Grand Reunion

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Ochaco’s POV 

Ochaco regained consciousness slowly, her chin resting on her chest. She could hear voices around her and she knew that the best idea for now was to pretend she was still out for the count. She learnt at Shiketsu that when people think they are alone they will talk to themselves.

Uraraka took in with her other senses what was happening around her, she could feel that she was sitting up in a chair. She could feel that her hands were bound together behind her back with rope.

Even though she had her eyes closed, she could still feel the world spinning around her. Ochaco could also feel something drying on her face, which she assumed was blood.

Ochaco listened to the sounds around her, she could hear three voices. Voices she had grown to know, voices that had haunted her dreams for years. Toga, Shigaraki and Dabi.

“You know, he won’t be happy that you’ve brought her here.” Toga said, somewhere to Ochaco’s right hand side. 

“Who cares what he thinks,” A voice came from her left. “The little shit broke his promise.” Ochaco recognised the voice as Dabi. ‘Who are they talking about?’ She thought.

“Where is he? I sent Kurogiri to fetch him here, what’s taking him so long?” Shigaraki said angrily. 

“Hey!” A male’s voice shouted from a distance in front of her. “If you want me Shigaraki, you come get me yourself. Don’t send your lackey after me…” The voice stopped talking, it was a voice that she recognised but she couldn’t place where. “What the fuck?” He said.

“What's wrong, Dynamight? Don’t you like my gift? Brought her here especially for you.” Shigaraki questioned.

“We had a deal, you asshole.” The unknown male stated, who had revealed himself to be called Dynamight. Although his identity was still a mystery.

Instantly, Ochaco felt a presence right in front of her. Then she felt someone gently place their hands on her knees. “What have they done to you?” Dynamight whispered, then cupped her face with his hands. Softly stroking her cheek with his thumb.
“You’re the one who broke your deal first, boy. We said no contact. Then what do I hear? You’re holding hands with her in the street like nothing ever happened?” Shigaraki responded.

“You’re such a piece of shit,” Dynamight snapped. “I have seen her once, spoken to her once in five years. And this is your immediate reaction? To kidnap her again?” He growled, moving away from Ochaco.

Ochaco’s mind was swimming. ‘What is going on?’ She thought. ‘I need to see who this person is.’ She slowly opened her eyes and lifted her chin, looking over to where Dynamight had Shigaraki pinned to the wall by his neck.

“Don’t look now. She’s awake.” Shigaraki said in a strained voice.

Dynamight turned his head to face Ochaco and her heart stopped. ‘Hisashi Fujiwara.’ She thought. “You,” She said out loud. “What the hell are you doing here?” she shouted.

“What’s wrong Ochaco?” Toga questioned. “Do you not recognise him?” 

Ochaco flicked her eyes over to where Toga was sitting on the floor. “Yeah, we met on the street. I saved his stupid ass from getting run over.”

Toga shook her head. “Think back further,” A wicked smile danced across her lips. “Can I tell her Shiggy? Pretty please?”

“No!” Hisashi shouted. “Everyone get out. She deserves to hear it from me.”

“Awh. No fun, I wanna stay.” Toga pouted, not moving from where she sat.

"Get. Out." Hisashi growled, gritting his teeth together.

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