Chapter 32 - Where I Belong

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[Ooarai Tank Garage]

"N-No way.." Nakajima said

(Leopon Team was shocked to see 4 of their tanks has already been repaired and had received maintenance from Matsumoto)

"The Panzer IV, Type 3 Chi-Nu, Stug III and the Type 89B already looks so brand new!" Yukari had stars on her eyes

"Matsumoto-san! You work so fast!" Tsuchiya said

"Naahh..I just started with the ones that were not totally wrecked so they would be faster to fix.." Matsumoto said

"Even so! Four tanks in that short amount of time is still amazing!: Hoshino said

"You think so? By the way, I did some tuning with those three tanks and I'd hope that would help increase its overall capabilities.."

"Really?! What kind of tuning?" Yukari asked

"For the Type 3 I installed new levers for the driver so that they'd be easier to change gears anytime without putting too much strain on the parts.."

"Thank you very much!" Momoga said

"Next is the Type 89B, I adjusted the turret rotation speed so that you can aim at your targets faster and with more accuracy than before.."

"Alright! Thank you so much sir!" Noriko said

"I noticed in your match that with how fast you guys go your guner has a little trouble adjusting her aim so with that change now there won't be any problem! Move fast and Hit fast as much as you want!"

"Thank you very much!" Akebi and Shinobu said

"Now the Stug III is one of my personal favorites! This bad boy can wreck any kind of tank it has its sights on!"

"It is one amazing tank sir!" Saemonza said

"Since it has no turret we can't do anything about its rotation I added Schurzen Hull Armor Skirts to your tank's sides. That should increase your survivability if ever you get flanked like what happened at the trenches!"

"This is so cool! Thank you so much sir! Caesar said

"You gave our tanks upgrades based on how it went down at our match ze yo~?" Oryo asked

"That's right young is my job as a Maintenance Chief to ensure the safety of you we study your matches and improve your tanks accordingly.."

"Matsumoto-san you're so cool!" Rabbit Team said

"Finally that Panzer IV..been so long since I've handle one of these babies!" Matsumoto was excited

"Have you done maintenance on all kinds of tanks Matsumoto-san?" Erwin asked

"I sure have..from light tanks to super heavy tanks..I've done all of them inside out so I know my way around them like my house.."

"Please tell us Matsumoto-san what have you improve to our Panzer IV!?" Yukari had stars on her eyes again

"Well since you girls already installed the Schurzen Set I added tracks on your turret for extra protection just in case the skirts get gets destroyed.."

"Tracks? As in tank tracks?" Saori asked

"Yes it can also serve as extra layers of armor on your tank's turret or on the hull.."

"Ohhh! That's very innovative!" Anzu said

"Next is your tank tracks..I noticed that you like to drift your tank a lot which leads to the tracks getting destroyed a lot.."

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