Chapter 16

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"I wish to take over my mother's role, if it was so important that she could... could put her life on the line for it, I want to live her legacy." Hugo stated, standing firm, his grip tightening on his sword, as if that was the only thing that was saving him from insanity.

3rd Person P.O.V.:

"Fine then, if that is what you wish, then you shall have it," Orion paused, sneering, he added ", human."

He said it as if it was an insult, like it was disgusting. Humans, disgusting. He was disgusting. His mother was disgusting.

Orion shed his sword and came at him, a slick cut aiming for his chest. Hugo doged, a small tear just below his left shoulder.

Finally, all the emotions that Hugo had been containing to that point finally came crashing out. Yes, they do say that when one attacks under emotional circumstances, they lose all senses, especially logic and that is their downfall.

And right now that was what was being tested.

Yes, Hugo was furious, depressed, he was going through it all, for crying out loud he had just lost his mother! His mother for bloody sake!

He was furious, these, these stupid creatures had caused this. It was all their fault. And they had to pay.

Hugo wielded his sword tighter, yelled with all his might, in all his agony. But he did not move. He only breathed out, hard. Once. Twice. And then for a full minute, not a sound.

Orion stared in confusion, was he dead?

And then he turned, slowly, his whole body, sluggish. His arms especially. Orion smirked at this, this would be an easy win, for sure.

Hugo slowly walked towards Orion, his sword being dragged in the dirt. The sight was enough to produce a roaring laughter. Then out of nowhere, he sprinted and used that build up to jump up, bringing his sword up in one hand, and slashing right at Orion's face.

If Orion had not been trained for years, he would no longer have a face. He barely avoided Hugo's slash. Blood trickled out of his right cheek. Orion was more than surprised, he was baffled.

Hugo landed in a squat and stood up calmly. He turned around and finally Orion saw it. His eyes, they held, a lot. A fire. A saddeness. A pain. And in a second it was gone, replaced with a look, Orion just recognised. His eyes were now dead. Nothingness.

This battle was going to be... interesting.

Orion held his sword up, smiling, ready. Orion striked first. Slashing at his left side, aiming to disable that whole side, he already had one strike, might as well aim until he could only rely on his right side. Then victory would come as easy as a frog swimming.

Hugo blocked. Attacking himself, feigning an attack on his left shoulder, switching at the last second, going in for his chest. Orion just blocked, but the tip had pierced his armour, barely scratching his skin.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Orion mocked.

Again Orion attacked this time, leaning back and using the momentum to add a spring to his attack, this time the butt of his sword landing an attack on Hugo's right knee. Losing his balance, Hugo wabbled. Hugo rolled away to keep from fully losing his position.

Hugo growled. Sneering. Hugo again attacked, this time he ran in a zig zag and did not throw any signs of attack until he was up in Orion's space. Aiming this time for his left and managed a slice at his lower abdomen.

Sofia x Hugo The Arranged MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now