Chapter 15

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A/N: WHOOOOOO LOOK AT ME GOOOO!!!! I'm W R I T I N G despite having ten assignments due in the next week!! Look at me

S K I P P I N G L E C T U R E S just because I'd rather write !! This is procrastination on the next level, whooooooooooooooooooooooooooppppppppppp go meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! UwU✌️

3rd person P.O.V.:

Chrysta and Queen Adaria split up halfway, each with 6 flares, two of each colour. Hugo hid in the bushes out of sight. As Chrysta zoomed by, he noticed her properly; she definitely wasn't human. Whatever she was, figuring that out wasn't his priority, he had his mother to deal with. His mother's mood and attitude worried him, he had never seen her like this, but even he knew he would get no explanation if he asked; following was the best option for him. It was too late to go back now.

This was only the beginning.

A little while later, his mother arrived where team two was stationed. Again Hugo couldn't comprehend what he was looking at, it was a whole army of unknown creatures that he had only seen in his childhood books.

His childhood books! No wonder he knew the name of the creatures that were hovering around his mother. And now looking at it he recognised a few more, Centaurus, rompkins, trolls, even articondors, a myth even.

"Just what in the world is happening?" Hugo whispered to himself.

Finally, his mother landed in a clearing with more of the creatures from his childhood books. He landed a little further away from where they all stood. Sliding off his horse, he crawled closer to listen.

He tried to understand what was going on, but nothing that was coming out of their mouths made sense.

He picked out a few words like; 'attack', 'flares', 'signals', but he couldn't hear all of it properly.

Minutes passed and Hugo was starting to get really confused. Then out of nowhere, the forest creatures all at once evacuated...? Flocks of birds created shadows large enough to cover yards, their squawks were enough to make Hugo cringe and cover his ears. It was as if they were running away from something.

At that, one of the generals — or so Hugo assumed — sent off two flares, red and purple.

Then Hugo felt the ground underneath him shake. He unleashed his sword just in case.

Then out of the clearing popped out a single man, he was scrawny looking, he wore a pair of trousers and a loose shirt, a little too big for him, his hair was midnight black, but it looked like it housed hundreds of birds. But what made him unnatural was his face. His face was littered with scars everywhere. Some looked fresh. His lips were sewn together, but worst of all, his eyes, well sockets, were empty. There was nothing there, but upon closer inspection, Hugo saw two black glowing orbs just floating in opposite directions.

"Finally, do you know how long I waited for you!" he spoke, well the green mist around him did.

"20 years! 20 long years! I rotted for years, waiting, planning for the best moment!"

"And what moment would that be, your capture?" Chrysta sassily questioned.

"No," he slyly replied, a breathy laugh escaped, escalating to full-on howls, he stopped so suddenly that Hugo flinched.

He then looked straight into Adaria's eyes, raising a bony finger at her and what he said next sent shivers down everyone's spines, "her execution."

Hugo could feel the anger churn through his veins, how dare this rat claim something so disgusting.

Sofia x Hugo The Arranged MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now