22 | 'questions and uncertainty'

Start from the beginning

Shoto narrowed his eyes at her unconvincedly but her wobbly smile still didn't falter though it seemed hard for her to keep up as she repeatedly looked back and forth between him and the floor. It was uncharacteristic of Momo Yaoyorozu to ever forget anything. She always kept her priorities in check and dealt with things maturely.

"Really? Your pencil case? That's funny. I'll come with you to get it, then." He stepped beside her as she turned away knowing all too well that she would refuse. She shook her head, her blank gaze tearing away from the floor to land on his heterochromatic eyes.

"It's okay, Shoto, you and Kyoka can go without me. I don't wanna waste your time just to get something I forgot myself.", the bitter lie rolled off her tongue unwillingly. He knew it was a lie. They knew it was a lie. Every part of his body screamed at him to not to follow what she was saying and go with her, but he stood still as he watched her figure disappear from his sight as she scurried off the opposite way.

The dual haired man placed a finger on his chin in wonder. He was struggling to figure out why she would be so desperate to run away from him like that and wondered if he said anything wrong without knowing. But then he noticed that Kyoka was still standing there in front of him. Perhaps Momo's closest friend could help him understand. "Uh, does Momo not wanna be around me?"

Kyoka raised a corner of her lips in a strangely shady smirk. "I don't know, do you have an idea why?" He thought in deep concentration for a moment. So he eavesdropped on their conversation and found out that Momo had a crush, and when he approached her she appeared to be super flustered for some reason and ran away from him with a half assed attempt at a lie. Wait. Could that mean...

No. That couldn't possibly be the case. She liked someone who definitely wasn't him. It wouldn't be him. It couldn't be him. They shared almost completely opposite personalities and their likes and interests of things were different. Momo had the nature of a saint and he always involved himself into trouble and was hated by many for being coldhearted. She hated him too at first when their friendship wasn't as close, so there was no use of thinking that she would fall in love with him now.

He sighed knowing that he could never understand and decided to get straight to the point. "Listen, can you just tell me the reason she's so uncomfortable around me today if you actually know why?" Kyoka looked up at him(their height difference being uncomfortably large) as if he was completely oblivious. And if he had to admit, he kind of was right now. He hated emotions because they were so damn difficult to understand for some reason.

"Well, she doesn't hate you, that's for sure. There's probably things going around in her mind right now that I think you should try to know yourself."


"So she doesn't hate you but still wanted to avoid you?" Izuku pressed his palms together in concentration as he looked at his dual haired friend who stayed seated on his bed and scrolled through his phone absentmindedly. "That's strange."

"As if I don't know that already by now.", Shoto remarked sarcastically with his gaze still locked on the screen of the device in his hand. He couldn't actually pay attention to what was going on in the phone with thoughts of Momo potentially not wanting to talk to him taking over his mind, but figured that just looking at the phone would help distract himself from the stress of confusion at what Kyoka's words really meant(spoiler alert: it didn't help at all).

Shoto decided to tell Izuku about the situation because he thought that a green haired boy who was overly sensitive with emotions and surprisingly had lots of friends could help him get an idea of what could be going on, but he didn't bother to mention the fact that he found out that Momo liked someone else and he was jealous about it because he couldn't bring his arrogant self to admit it. A vague explanation would suffice for now.

And so, there they were in Izuku's dorm room, Shoto leaning against the headboard, phone in hand, as Izuku sat on the other end of the bed staying deep in thought. Shoto never really told him about his life problems and the fact that he seemed actually bothered to discuss a small situation like this with him meant the student council president was really important to him. Of course, he had already caught wind of Shoto having a crush on her as it was obvious enough, however he decided to keep that a secret in hopes of not getting his ass kicked.

But both of them were still confused as fuck.

Neither of them knew how to deal with girls, or anyone in particular. They just sucked at it. Hence when such a complicated problem arose, naturally, they were stumped. So Izuku decided to resort to the most simple suggestion in mind,

"Can't you just talk to her about it?" Actually, nevermind when I said simple. It sounded simple enough but was actually difficult to do for someone like Shoto. What was he supposed to say, tell her 'I was eavesdropping on you secretly and found out that you have a crush and I want to know who it is and why you didn't want to be around me this afternoon'? It would be a cold day in hell before that actually were to happen.

"No.", the dual haired man declared bluntly and Izuku frowned in disappointment. He knew he was gonna refuse but figured it was worth a shot.

"Well, I personally think you shouldn't worry about it too much." The greenette paused for a second so he could rise to his feet and walk over to his bedside table opposite where Shoto was sitting to grab his glasses and the textbook which he had given up on earlier and put his glasses on as he continued, "After all, she doesn't hate you per se, right?" He flopped down on the bed beside Shoto to start studying again, an indication he was ready to stop the discussion.

Shoto didn't speak more after that and stopped scrolling on his phone to think things through properly. Izuku was right about her not hating him, but that didn't mean he wasn't allowed to worry about why the girl he loved wanted to avoid him so badly. If he said that the fact that she was in love with someone who was probably not him didn't make him feel restless enough, he would be lying to himself.

Hopefully he'd get to know who the person she had a crush on was one day.

-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ (𝙫𝙤𝙩𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙥 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙚𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣!)

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