Chapter 22: Its Magic, you know

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I don't think it has processed fully yet in my mind that I had not tried to do magic since I've been here until I had walked into class today.

"G'morning class. I hope you all are enjoying your week." Professor Flitwick greets everyone with a warm smile. "Today you will be learning the charm of levitation."

I perk up at that as I get excited at the idea of getting to learn the famous charm that everyone learns from a first-year Hermione Granger.

"It's Wingardium LeviOsa... not LeviosA."

"So please pull out your wands as you receive your feathers."

"Watch this." George nudges my side from his seat on my right.

I rolled my eyes as I knew he was about to do something stupid but I decided to amuse him and watch what he was planning when he pulled out his wand as his feather appeared on his desk.

I watch in amusement as he whispers a spell under his breath as he points the tip of his wand down at the white feather. At first, nothing happened but then suddenly it started to change slowly into a golden and bigger feather but for some reason as it got to the middle of the feathers, something ended up not working right as the feather suddenly caught on fire.

"Woah..." We jumped back in our seats in surprise as the feather basically blew up on the desk.

The students around us kind of jumped in surprise as well by the small explosion of the feather and the others started chuckling along with us at the mishap that had taken place.

"I would like you all to get to practicing levitating the feather, unlike what Mr. Weasley here has demonstrated." Flitwick gave him a pointed look with a small smile. "While he also comes up here to get a new feather. I hope he will not blow up this time."

I snicker to myself at the frown on George's face at the mention of him having to get up to get his new feather. I could tell that he had heard me as he got up from his seat and briefly turned and shot me a playful glare before dragging himself over to where Flitwick had the feathers

I reach down to my high top converse and pull out my wand. It's a Hazel wand. When I walked into Ollivanders' store, the first thing Ollivander said to me was.

"You aren't from around here, are you, dear?" The older man squints at me.

"Uh, excuse me?" I blurt, feeling a bit uneasy. "I, uh, don't know what you mean."

"Hmmm." He nods to himself, as if he didn't buy my act.

"So you're here for a wand..."

"Yes, sir."

"You seem to be old enough to be in your fifth year." He grunts. "Shouldn't you have a wand already?"

"Uh, yes sir... but I actually was, um, homeschooled as my parents were muggles, in America." I explain a bit anxiously. I mean, technically I wasn't lying about my parents being from America.

"I see." He hums with a small nod.

He takes a look at me for a moment -as if he was analyzing me- before he suddenly turns and heads down between the two large shelves behind him. I stand there rocking back and forth on my feet as Mr. Ollivanders searches for whatever he's looking for.

I get a bit startled as he suddenly pops back into view without a word, holding a long rectangular, leather box in hand. It was a bit dusty but that wasn't an issue for Ollivanders as he blew away the small debris.

I flinch back a bit at the puff of the gray cloud invading the space between us, covering the old countertop.

"Hazelwood..." I mutter in acknowledgment as he reveals the familiar wand.

Saving Him// Fred WeasleyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang