Chapter 12: Runnin' from the feelings

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I step out of my room, mumbling a quick locking spell on my door before I turn and head down the stairs lazily, my brain still in autopilot mode from my slumber as I just have the one goal: making it to the great hall for breakfast. I just step off the last ledge when I feel myself get pulled into a wall.

"Oof-" I look up to see a pair of honey-brown eyes peering down at me already. "you know, you sure don't know what awareness is." I scolded the redhead, my brows furrowed in confusion.

I know he will just dismiss my comment, as he continues to keep hold of me. His right hand resting on my lower back to keep me gently held against him while the other rests on mine that is pressed against his chest. The feel of his heart beat near my fingertips starts to slowly sooth me, feeling my grip of stubbornness slip the longer I stay here in his arms. I know that I shouldn't allow this, especially after the other day when he was holding me but his touch calms me. The fucking irony, that he is the only thing keeping all the noise out of my head, yet is also the reason for them there.

"What makes you say that, angel?" He smirks down at me, as if he knows the effect he has on me.

He’s so lucky I don’t slap that smirk off his beautiful face.

"Well you can't go pulling people left and right whenever you like!... and you can't be all, um this close... and uh..." I was struggling to get my sentence or any sense under control as he kept looking at me like that.

With those dreamy honey-brown eyes and attractive smirk on his pouty lips...

I didn't realize he was leaning closer until I heard a set of soft familiar footsteps rush down the stairs. I was about to push Fred back when he did the inevitable. He slammed his lips against mine, harshly, but what only felt for a brief moment. Almost too quick for my liking.

It was there, from the little contact there was. I felt that electricity that all romantics explain when they kiss the one person they are supposed to spend the rest of their life with. I think he felt it too as he looked a bit startled for a moment before resting his forehead against mine as he pulled me closer in his grasp, the genuine smile on his lips not going unnoticed by my clouded mind.

"Andr-" there was a pause, "oh Godric! I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt." I hear the soft tone of Ginny's voice, full of shock.

I forgot for a moment she was coming down to walk with me, stuck in a small daze until I was finally able to pull away from the other Weasley as his hold on me relaxed. I look at Ginny to see her face red from the situation she was in. Yet I can also see her trying to fight off a big smile forming her lips.

"I... no you're fine. You didn't do anything." I tried to scramble an excuse of some sort but knew there was no hope, especially with still being in shock from the brief kiss.

Then as if she barely registered what had happened, her eyes go wide as saucers and that smile creeps onto her mouth as she dashes towards the exit of the common room. My own eyes go wide as I realize what she was planning.

"Ginevra... Molly... Weasley!..." I screech after her as I run after the youngest Weasley.

I probably looked crazy- and sounded crazy too- with my cloak and skirt floating behind me as I dash after the small red head but at the moment I didn’t care. I was trying to contain the second year so she doesnt go blabbing all over Hogwarts that I was canoodling one of her brothers.

Who is running to get to our group of friends to tell them what she witnessed. While I'm running away from my feelings for a certain Weasley twin, who I just kissed, who is chasing after me to stop me from- possibly- throwing his baby sister off the Astronomy tower...or whatever I will do to her if she tells anyone what she saw.

I just reached the younger girl when I skid to a halt as I became aware of the great hall that was occupied with confused and amused students staring at us whether they were either eating breakfast or just leaving to get ready for their first set of class for the day.

I snapped out of the small initial shock, rushing between the two long tables and was about to get a hold of the younger girl when I felt a pair of strong arms wrap themselves around my middle and hoist me up from the ground, preventing me from moving anywhere but in their arms. I know immediately that it's Fred so I try to kick him in the shin with the back of my heel so he would put me down.

I'll never hear the end of it. I can't help but think as I see her harshly plopping herself on the bench with the others, huffing and puffing from running so long and far.

"Oi, watch it angel. That's not very nice," He taunts, which only makes me more annoyed.

I peer up at the redhead with a scowl, arms folded over his own that are wrapped around my waist.

"Aww look at you, lookin' like a wee baby Puffskein." He grins cheekily as I feel him shift his arms so he has a better grip on me.

"Oh, bite me Weasley." I snark, feeling the ends of my mouth twitching.

"Ooh, kinky... I love that in a woman," he winks.

"Why are you doing this?” I groan, trying to fight off the blush that's threatening to cover my face at his remark.

I feel him move to the seats, expecting him to finally put me down but was dumbfounded when he sat down on the bench. With me in his lap. This for sure is getting their attention... and apparently their confirmation as I see Lee pass George a couple of sickles. I stick my tongue out at the two as they catch my eyes. Their own features sport matching smirks.

"Well, why do you want to stop her? I mean they were goin' to find out eventually angel," he shrugs as if it wasn't a big deal.

I stare at him in shock for a moment, "Wha-find out what, Frederick?" I question, playing a bit clueless. Well, at least trying to as I fumble with my emotions.

"About you and me." I turned in his lap sideways to face him more easily. I don't answer so he continues.

"You know what I am talking about here Delgado. You know how I feel about you-I mean I don't go round Hogwarts holding every girl in my arms like I do with you. I know we both feel this, so why are you trying to run from it?... From me?" He continues looking at me for an answer I know I can answer.

"Why do you care how I feel?" I grumble. Unable to help myself from being rudely defensive as my coping mechanism like always when I deal with a flood of emotions.

"What do you mean?" He scoffs. "I care because I have never felt this way before about any other girl I met. I don't know what it is that makes me want to just be with you, around you, every chance I can get Andrea." He confesses. "That's why I care."

I let out a breath, closing my eyes for a moment. I let this moment sink in and what he just told me, the feeling of him pressed against me and the feeling I'm getting from his sudden confession. I peel my eyes open and look down at my hands, picking at my nails. A terrible habit that one is.

I clear my throat. "It's because... I am afraid to admit to myself that this," I motion- with the little bit of space I had between us, ''can be real. Heck, we have known each other for about just a month and a half."

It's true, I mean I don't want it to seem like I am rushing anything or pressuring him into anything he's not ready for. Heck! I didn't even expect him to actually feel anything towards me back. So I guess I'm just a bit startled by all this happening.

"I guess, I just didn't expect you to feel anything for me." I whisper with a shrug. "You are such a great person and I'm even more afraid to admit to myself that I do have these feelings for you, afraid to lose you if I get too attached. I just don't think I can handle that." I sigh, not pulling away from the honey-brown eyes that are glued to mine.

Well, until I faintly hear a pair of familiar footsteps covered in brown-dragon leather shoes walking towards us. Man, what am I going to do with this boy?... I'm also hoping I won't get another stupid detention...

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