Chapter 20: Happy Bloody Hallowe'en

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It's finally here. The day everyone was eager for once the month had started. Halloween. I love Halloween, I mean who doesn't love this holiday?

You get free candy and get to watch those amazing classic horror films they display on television every once a year. Unfortunately, since I'm in a world where we don't really do all that, I am not allowed to spend this Halloween like that. This also means, I can't celebrate my youngest brother's birthday today as well.

I woke up feeling a bit down for those multiple reasons. I knew that being stuck here not only had its pros but its big cons were not being able to see my family or friends for who knows how long. Yet I will try not to let it bring me down.

I open up my chest, digging through everything until I find what I was looking for. Pulling out the sack of candies, I put on my shoes and cloak and headed straight down to the great hall where I told everyone I would meet them so they didn't have to wait on me. Before I stepped out of my room though, I pulled out a gift I had gotten for my brother, Chris, and placed it on my desk with his card. Hoping I can somehow get it to him before the day is over.

I skip along the stone floor until I reach my destination and quickly find my place beside my Weasley and Ginny. I place the sack of treats on the table in front of me and start digging into the breakfast that Fred had gathered for me as I walked into the hall.

"Wha's in the ba' An'rea?" Ron questioned as pointed to the bag, mouth still full of food.

"Gosh Ron, at least try to swallow all your food before you talk you git." George scolds him, a disgusted shiver running down his spine.

I laugh at Ron's expression from George's scolding and George's disgusted look as he tried to go back to eating his own food. Everyone looked at the bag and I with curiosity, nodding along with Ron's question after laughing at the commotion between him and George.

"Well Ronald, since you asked." I look towards him, surprisingly only getting a small eye roll from the use of his full name, "I have here my dear friends, a heap of sweats waiting to get eaten up by us all." I beam as everyone starts to perk up at the thought of candies.

"Yet I must warn you, these aren't any old treats..." I pause to give that dramatic effect, getting an eye roll from Fred as he wraps his arm around my waist, "these treats come all the way from my home country." I confess.

"Ooh, American desserts??!" Ron squeals like a girl, causing us all to laugh.

"Right you are there my dear Ron, candies from America. Well more specifically candies that we-uh, the Muggles like to eat." I quickly corrected myself, hoping no one noticed but from the raised brow from Fred I got, I can tell he heard me.

"Wow, I can't wait! Can we eat them now??" Ron questions, excitement filling his eyes.

"Nope, sorry kid. You will just have to wait till we get back to the common room." I get a frown and huff at that and he goes back to eating his food.

I look around the room enjoying the decorations of real bats, gigantic pumpkins carved in the shape of a lantern that could fit like ten of me, and the roaming of ghosts around the hall and castle. I look up at Fred, giving him a cheeky smile as he peers down at me with a breathtaking one.

"So angel, any chance you would happen to share those sweets with me before those gits over there eat them all?" Fred whispers, as he slowly tries to reach his other hand towards the bag.

I slap his hand away playfully, a smile breaking out. "In your dreams Weasley, you know that wouldn't be fair. Especially to poor Ron over there" I tell him, motioning to a pouting Ron who's giving the bag a longing look.

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