Chapter 21: Detention

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You think I would wake up to another random and regular day in November. But nope, totally not the expectation.

I just made it out of Lupin's office from discussing the upcoming break and our plans for it when all of a sudden, I am ambushed and literally dragged away- well more like carried- with no explanation by the troublesome twins. I kid you not, I barely stepped one foot out the door and I was hoisted up from each arm and rushed down the corridor with my legs swinging beneath me as I tried to get them to put me down. It was embarrassing to say the least.

At least I was right about the random part... *Le shrugs*

So now here I am in one of their little hide outs with both of them. I wasn't even sure what or more precisely who, we were running from until I heard a distinct voice hollering down the corridor and possibly saying every bad word known to wizard kind, is when I knew who it was. His black cape flew feverishly behind trying to keep up with his quick steps. I can hear the boys snickering behind me as we peeked out through the cracks in the shutters on the door and rolled my eyes at their childish behavior.

I prepare a very detailed speech on the two pulling me along to avoid being caught in one of their pranks. That was, until I realized they instantly stopped laughing and looking as if they seen You-know-who.

I slowly turn around to come face to face with Snape, heaving with a red yet stone cold steel face. You know the usual. When his gaze fixed on me a flash of disappointment is there but quickly disappears once he looks back at the two gits behind me.

"You three. Detention. Now." He stalks away from our still huddled up figures.

"Wha-" I couldn't even get words out as I tried to understand how I was getting a detention.


I turn slowly towards the two in the tight space room, a death glare already set in my eyes as they connect with the four already looking down at me. They instantly looked like they were about to pass out from how pale they turned (if that was possible) as neither spoke and continued to have a three way staring match until I intense my glare before turning on my heels and stomping out of the narrow corridor. I just made it past the door when I heard George whisper to his other half.

"Oh man, she didn't even say anything. We are in for it now Freddie."

I feel a small smirk forming as I hear the amount of fright in his voice.


I let a groan pass my lips as I drag myself to Snape's classroom, already dreading whatever punishment he comes up with. Which will most likely be cleaning the room and the cauldrons that were used in the class before lunch.

I avoided the twins the whole rest of the day. I wasn't as upset as I was earlier, but I just wanted them to think I was so they remained tip-toeing around me like a bunch of scaredy cats. Which in return gives me a little peace and quiet for the day.

I knock on the door, peering in to see Snape sitting at his desk with stacks of parchment papers from students occupying the space. He peers up at me briefly before gesturing inside the empty classroom.

I knock on the door as I peer in to see Snape sitting at his desk with stacks of parchment papers from students occupying the space. He peers up at me briefly before gesturing inside the class, as I am the first one there (not surprising). I decided to plop myself in the middle row and in the second seat so I'm in the front but not sitting directly in front of him. I just stare as he continues to work through the students papers as we wait for the troubling twos to make their appearance.

Saving Him// Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now