Chapter 13: Bad Habits

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I huff out in frustration as I rush to my first class of the day. I ended up waking up late this morning as I was up later than normal last night, discovering interesting little secrets here and there about my room.

I skid to a halt as I turn the corner when I notice a glimpse of red hair slipping past one of the statues in the hall. I pause in my steps, contemplating if I should follow and find out what he is up to or if I should just get to my class that I'm already very late for. I decided to just say screw it and let my curiosity get to me.

I mean, I'm already late anyway. Like very, very late.

I looked around making sure that no one was around to catch me before sneaking over to the statue, analyzing it before noticing it had a secret entrance behind it. I squeezed myself underneath the left arm and started following down the spiral staircase, making sure not to be too loud in case he hears and gets spooked off.

It felt like the staircase would go on forever until I started seeing light at the end. Once I was closer to the exit, the bitter smell of cigarettes hit my nose. I feel my nose automatically scrunch up at the unpleasant smell of nicotine as I carefully round the corner to see Fred sitting between two of the pillars that give a view to the courtyard of the school.

He has one leg bent, allowing his left arm to rest on it while his right leg is hanging off the edge, softly swinging back and forth in place. Then, there is the culprit, in his right hand that's resting lazily on his outstretched leg before he brings it back up to his lips to give it another puff followed by a ghostly cloud of smoke escaping into the cold air surrounding us.

I feel a frown tug at my lips at the sight of him with the death stick between his lips but don't say anything as I slowly step forward. I softly rummage through my satchel a bit before I speak up.

"Got a light?"

I watched his head snap over so quickly I thought he would have given himself whiplash causing a small crack of a smile on my lips at the shocked look on his freckled face. I raise my right hand holding the stick, gently waving it side to side a bit to bring him out of his initial shock. This seems to do the trick as he shakes his head with a small smirk.

"Aren't you supposed to be in class?" He questions.

"Aren't you?" I shoot back with a raised brow.

He glares at me playfully as I shuffle over more, placing a hand on the edge of the wall and pushing myself up while the other grabs ahold of the pillar on my right to use as support. I feel Fred's hand tuck underneath my arm and help me up. Until I am able to situate myself on top of the wall across from the ginger boy.

"Thanks." I mutter out.

I allow my bag to rest on my lap and rest my arms on top, my legs stretched out and basically intertwining with Fred's as I settle myself in my spot.

"I didn't think you'd smoke, angel." Fred hums as he takes another hit from his cigarette. "Pretty girls like you shouldn't smoke."

"I don't. These are herbal cigarettes." I explain as I fish out my lighter and ignite the end of the long, white stick.

Ignoring his last comment with a blush forming on my already rosy face from the cold air. I take a hit before blowing out a cloud of air as I toss the small lighter back in my bag, looking back up at Fred to see his gaze already on me.

"Herbal cigarettes?" He questions.

"Yep, they don't have any of that nicotine shit, like yours." I nod over to the stick in his hand.

"Hmm..." He nods at my answer.

"Why do you smoke?" I question softly.

I watch as he looks down at his hands before looking out at the courtyard.

"I barely picked up the habit last year... I saw them in my brother Charlie's room and just picked them up. At first I wasn't going to use them but then when I was stressing out one day I decided to try one. Now I just use them anytime somethings bothering me or I'm stressed."

I nod at his answer, finding it valid and understandable.

"I get fucking bad anxiety." I huffed out with a small laugh. "In case it wasn't obvious." I mutter the last part, getting a chuckle in return. "I know I didn't want to actually smoke so I got these from a shop in the States before coming here." I shrug.

That wasn't a lie technically, I actually had found them in my luggage where I stored them last time I went to visit my family in my world.

I watch as he nods at my answer, stuffing out his stick before flicking it away and leaning back against the wall behind him.

"You know that's a bad habit right?" I frown, voicing my thoughts.

"I know, love." He smiles softly. "They just seem to do the trick." He shrugs.

"I get it, it just isn't good for your health." I mutter, blowing out another smoke before taking the stick from between my lips.

"These aren't that much better as it's still carbon entering your lungs but no nicotine." I inform him as I hold the stick out to him.

Fred looks at it for a moment before taking it and taking a puff from it. I watch his facial expressions to see what his reaction is. I try holding in a laugh as his face turns to confusion before relaxing and seeming pleased with a nod.

"You like?" I chuckle as he holds it back to me.

"It's actually not bad." He nods coolly.

I nod with a grin as I take another inhale before stubbing out the stick and flicking it away. "So what are you doing out here, Weasley?"

"I was getting frustrated with a new product George and I are making, to sell to the other houses." Fred explains with a shrug.

"Oh, yeah, Ginny mentioned you guys make pranks."

"Yeah, George and Lee are in class right now and well, I didn't wanna go so.." He shrugs.

"Maybe I can help?" I offer, slowly scooting over in my spot to sit sideways, letting  my feet dangle over the stone wall.

"You want to help?" Fred asks, a smirk on his lips as he leans forward.

"Yeah, I mean, sounds fun." I shrug with a small smile.

I've always wanted the opportunity to help with their Weasley Wheezes products.

"Alright, if you insist. That would be nice." He grins, his face seeming to inch forward.

"Okay." I breathe out.

I smile softly at him, my eyes dropping down for a brief moment to his lips before back up into his honey-brown eyes. I watch as his smirk grows wider, giving me an idea he noticed. I watch as he slowly leans more closer until his face is only a few inches away.

I don't know what it was, probably my anxiety letting loose, but I allowed the urge to let my eyes flutter close as I felt his breath on my face. I don't wait long before I feel his lips pressed against mine, moving my lips with his softly. His hands cup both sides of my face, pulling me closer to him which causes me to hold onto his broad shoulders to keep me from falling over.

The kiss turns a bit heated as he pulls me into him, his hands now on my waist as I move mine to his hair. I teeter a bit as he pulls me into his lap but I know I don't have to worry as I feel his hands tighten in their spot. A sigh escapes between our lips from me, causing a chuckle to leave Fred's as he pulls away.

I pull away to peer at him, a small part of me feeling a bit upset at myself that I let this happen but a more bigger part feels happy in a way.

"I, uh, think we should get back, maybe get to our other classes so we don't get in trouble." I whisper as I pull away from him completely.

"Alright." He shots me a lazy smile, a hint of blush coating his cheeks. "Let's go, M'lady."

"Don't call me that." I grumble. A stupid smile on my lips as my back is turned to him.

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