Chapter 17: Past the Great Ravine

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As we were walking through the Great Ravine we saw how much damage the siege did. There were dents everywhere, some ballista arrows were stuck in the walls, I saw a felyne trying to grab one of the low hanging ones. There was a gash from where Zorah was walking with lava at the bottom.

Yet again I felt as though we were being watched, Buzz noticed my expression "Hey? Are you good?" She asked "Yeah, the heat is bugging me a bit" I told her "Ah,well that makes some sort of sense." She replied, it was weird, my sister was on this adventure. She was supposed to be back at home or base. She can call it either one. I don't care if I call it home because it's where I stay but my real home is at the den... actually this is about the time of age where Zinogre cubs leave the den... I'm actually missing Mom, Dad, Shock, Bu- wait she's right here nevermind, Draco who actually respects me now, and Drago the cautious one.

As we approached the end of the Great Ravine we saw two figures, one was a male who was standing up, a little taller than Emily, had brown hair, and had red glasses and his armor looked like mine minus the saddle and hood the armor was red or crimson red, he had a tattoo of a claw mark on his right eye as well as a tinier and shorter line below it and the tattoo on his left cheek was... glowing? The girl was crouched down with a ponytail hairstyle and black and white hair, she was wearing black pants and a short sleeve white shirt. "Hunter!" Emily shouted and gave the male- sorry Hunter a hug. "Hey, Emily," he said with a tint of pink in his cheeks.

After Emily let him go Hunter tapped the girl who jumped up startled "Geez Hunter don't scare me like that." She said, Hunter then did the strangest thing he made his hands into different shapes muttering words "Sorry. But look." Then he pointed at us "Oh, hi!" She said, "These are Hunter-" "Yo" "and Rose" "H-hi" "Little shy but she's a great Handler" Nessie explained to me when a white light caught my eye it was a gem in Hunter's glasses, Emily must've noticed me looking at it because she told me what it was "That's the same type of jewel I have that lets me talk and understand monsters." She explained.

"Rose has a hearing problem, sometimes she can hear things other times she can't" Nessie told me. "So what are you guys looking at?" Emily asked, "Wanna see?" Hunter asked, "Yes!" Emily and Nessie shouted in unison, Hunter then gestured with his hand towards, something I never thought I would see, the Coral Highlands or my Mom's homeland. "No way!" I shouted "Hm? What's up?" Hunter asked me "This is where my Mom was born!" I shouted again "WHAT!?" Buzz yelled. We were both very excited.

A Hybrid Zinogre's Story: 1 The New World Low PowersDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora