Chapter 16: The Visit

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I was walking through the Ancient Forest when all of a sudden an Ajnanath appeared. I thought I was done for but instead it just looked at me then it spoke in a soft voice "Hello little cub," She said, what it's a girl ok? "What are you doing so far away from your den?" It asked.

"Uhm, I-I er was just uhm, er, looking for a creature to hunt?" I said while stammering while trying to come up with an excuse "Oh? Well they already know the dangers of a cub being out here, correct?" She said "Mhm" I said "Well I guess they won't miss you." She said with a sinister tone in her voice. I knew what this situation counted for. RUN!

A few minutes later and I'm still being chased by a Anjanath, she must be determined to get a different dinner that kestedon or aptonoth. But I can't blame her it gets boring at- FOCUS! I manage to dodge under a tree making her ram into it. Then I ran into a dead end. Welp I'm dead, but I'm not going down with a fight!

I rushed at her and made my claws go thunder mode and slash her with that but she didn't even flinch! I made my claws go fire and slash her again. It didn't work. I tried the same thing with dragon. Not a thing. I thought I was done for until a strong energy rushed over me then my claws got coated in both dragon and thunder. My blue fur on my back went blue with thunder while my white body fur went into a gray red with dragon. I knew what to do. I charged at her and slashed her with my claws leaving a electrified dragon scar on her face that was enough to make her retreat then I continued on my quest to the den.

When I arrived to find my parents and siblings asleep. "Probably accepted I'm dead" I thought but then I had a brilliant idea. Not original but brilliant. I grabbed a cupped leaf and scooped it up with water from the pond and poured it on them "What the-Bu-" Drago began to say before stopping upon seeing me "Yeah really Bu-" Draco began to say before seeing me "Huh? What did I-" Same deal with Buzz, Shock was well shocked upon seeing me. "Nice to see your getting-" Mom began to say "Huh? What's wro-" Dad was too. "What? Is my return too shocking for you?" I teased "GAMER!" Buzz yelled happily before throwing her front arms around me in a hug. "Sis, stop." I said embarrassed "No." She said before she tightened her grip on me "Help" I muttered when I heard a voice "ARROOOOOW!" A voice said, then a green blur crashed into the open area of the den "Huh?"

Then the blur got up revealing a rathian, a young one. She was three quarters of the one I saw in Waste "WE HAVE A PROBLEM!" She yelled. Why was she yelling? I don't know, but she had a scar on her back, a past one, but a scar nonetheless. "What's wrong?" Dad asked. "Well a hunter-" The rathian said but I blanked out because I was thinking about Emily, worried about how she would be freaking out that I wasn't there in the room. I tuned back in during the second part "-Also... the Ancient Civilization is back" The rathian said, this had caused panic, the Ancient Civilization, from what I know, is an lost human race, with humans made of steel, bowguns that shoot lights, and flying creatures made of steel... Lots of steel things. "Well... I have to go." I said, backing up, "Why?" Mom asked. "Because- er, I have to... check om my den?" I said unconvincingly but they bought it, somehow "You. Have. A. Den?" Buzz asked. I nodded trying to keep myself from sweating. Buzz's eyes were filled with glee. "EEEEE! MY BROTHER HAS A DEN!" She shouted so loudly that you could hear her from Astera. "Yeah but it's by, Ast-the human settlement" I said "And you're safe?" Shock asked. And again I nodded trying to keep myself from sweating yet again. Everyone nodded in agreement when- "GAMER! WHERE ARE YOU?" A voice yelled "Oh come on" I thought, when Emily entered the den. Mom and Dad entered attack mode, while I shook my head at Emily to back off, she returned a nod and backed off pulling out her bow just in case then I gave her a look that said "Put that away before you get hurt" and she put it away and ran "Huh first time that has happened before" Mom said "Yeah... Can I go to my den now?" I asked "Sure, but be safe!" Mom yelled as I left and found Emily hiding in a tree trunk "You can come out" I said.

Emily climbed out "Those your parents?" Emily asked, I nodded "Sooo, what did you say?" She asked. I then told her "Why?" She asked "Because I didn't know what else to say!" I said. She shook her head with it hanging down. "Well you did what you could... At least- oooh boy" she said "What?" I asked, Emily then pointed behind me to find that Buzz was staring at us.

Sigh guess I have to tell her so I did. "And that's what happened" I said while Buzz was sitting in front of me "Oh. That makes sense. Sorta anyway." She said "Do you wanna join me?" I asked, and what she said surprised me "YES!" She said and ran into the den. A minute later she walked out with Mom and Dad following her, luckily Emily jumped back into the tree trunk "I understand" I heard Mom said and Dad just nodded understandingly "I'll miss you guys, but someone has to keep Gamer safe." Buzz said, I blushed at that comment but it was kinda true, Mom gave me and Buzz a goodbye hug and after that Mom went into the den, "Be safe out there." Dad told us we nodded only knowing we would get into trouble. After Dad went back into the den Emily hopped out of the tree trunk "Soooo, this your sister?" Emily asked, I nodded and with that we headed to Astera but... I couldn't shake the feeling we were being watched.

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