Chapter 8: The Escape

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As the two monsters devised a plan to escape while Emily told everyone what they were saying "So they're going to try to escape?" The Commander asked after hearing what happened "Yes, the little one's going to use his electro bugs to weaken the gate while the Barroth is going to charge at it weakening enough so we have to take the gate down" Emily told him "Huh, never knew they would be that smart" The Commander said. "The researchers said hunters would be at the gate in when they break it down" Nessie told him that's when a male hunter ran up he was part of capture squad and he had the the same necklace as Emily and he told them about how he heard one talk about how long it took for one to go across that trap and how one said they were hungry and that's when it charged onto the trap "So it did that for its family" the Chief said "We can't hurt it then!" Nessie blurted out everyone looked at her but Emily hung and shook her head "It's true if we hurt it we could lose a rare specimen" Emily said hoping the Commander would agree or the researchers "Yes we would its a rare monster we haven't seen one monster like it before, but it looked like a Stygian Zinogre but a crossed with a Zinogre, makes sense you know it was found in a Zinogre den but-" The ecological researcher was saying before being cut off by Emily's palico Chip "I think mew should let it live" "I agree with Chip we should let it live" The Chief said "But we should let the Barroth live to as well, y'know they were chatting like they were frie-" Chip's squeaky voice was cut off from a loud roar a Barroth's roar more specifically Mud's roar.

"C'mon Gamer let's go!" "I'll follow your lead because your well bigger and stronger" "I'll take that as a compliment" "You should" "Come on I know how to get home from here I remember this area" The Commander looked at Emily "They're going to the Wildspire Waste"

A Hybrid Zinogre's Story: 1 The New World Low PowersWhere stories live. Discover now