"think of someone you hate and punch the bag, go".

Javon grabbed back onto the punching bag and Mackenzie got back into position.

Who do I hate? she thought. Sarah? Tyler?

She bottles up all her emotions she had for those two and then punched the bag.

"There you go?" Javon said then high fived her "Your turn Jaden".

"remember think about someone you hate then, punch" Mackenzie repeat Javon's advice.

Jaden knew who he was gonna imagine, I mean he actually wanted to punch him, Tyler.

"Any time now Ja-".

Jaden punched the bag and it actually hit Javon in the chest.

"wow" Javon applauded while Mackenzie stood beside the two and blushed.


"all done" Kylee said finishing putting up the streamers for the stairs.

Jayla looked at them "they look great I'm gonna go get the old baby gait to make sure no one actually comes up stairs, we know streamers aren't gonna stop no one".

Kylee looked around and saw a new table in the living room and light that where set up around the house.

"Jayla when is the food gonna get here?".

Jayla dropped the gait "dude you told me you were gonna order food".

"And then you said you where gonna get it because we couldn't decide on what to get".

Jayla shook her head then grabbed the keys to the cars.

"where are you going?".

"To go find some food".

"Jayla we can just order pizza".

"This is one of the years biggest teen actresses birthday Kylee, go big or go home" She then ran out the door.

Kylee stood there for a second to process what just happened then continued to set up.


"Do you guys want to go out and eat after this?" Jaden asked the other two.

Javon looked at Mackenzie.

The brunette shook her head "I don't feel like dealing with paparazzi today. I just want to get back to your house and take a nap".

Jaden and Javon looked at each other and quietly laughed.

"What are you two laughing at?".

"Nothing Mackenzie, I'm gonna order some food, what do you guys want?" Javon said getting up.

"Im not really hungry" Mackenzie heald her head in her hands.

"Get me Canes, and get Mackenzie some too" Jaden said.

Javon teased Jaden "your so cute Jaden".

Mackenzie got up "I agree" she said then walked to the bathroom.

Javon got a huge smile on his face "she thinks your cute dudeee".

Jaden shook his head and laughed "she was probably just playing". He didn't want her to be "just playing" though.

A few hours later after eating Javon texted Jayla and Kylee "you guys almost ready for us to bring Mackenzie back to the house?".


Jayla was finally back with pizza, sushi, sliders, chicken, and different desserts.

When she got back Kylee was almost done decorating the house.

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