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Saki ran around her room in a panic, digging through her closet and mumbling to herself.

"Gah, what should I wear..?! And where did I put my bag..."

In the middle of all this, the door to her room opened with a loud creak.

"AH-!" she tripped over before scrambling to get back up again. "Who's there?!"

"Saki, it's just me," Tsukasa yawned, a blanket wrapped around him, "why's your room a mess?"

"Oh, um... I'm going out stargazing with my friends!" she announced, "also, onii-chan, you wouldn't be so tired if you weren't staying up late all the time."

He shrugged. "I'm making music with my friends."

"At 1am?"


"Right," she sighed, "well, I'm going now! See you, onii-chan!"

"Bye, Saki! Have fun with your friends. It's been a while since I last saw them. You should invite them over."

She barreled up to where her friends were sitting, smiling and laughing as she went.

"Ah, Saki, you're here!" Honami exclaimed.

"You're late," Shiho said.

"Gahh, Shii-chan! I was busy figuring out what to wear and to bring, okay?!"

"Saki, we're just stargazing," Ichika chuckled.

"Yeah, and we haven't done that in ages!"

The three of them settled into silence, before Saki spoke up again.

"Sooo..." she started, "what have you guys been doing without me?"

"Um..." Honami said, "I'm in a band."

"A band! With who?!"

"Just some friends I met recently... they're really nice, and good with their instruments too."

Ichika smiled. "It's good that you got back into playing your drums."


Saki turned around to the other two. "Well? How about you you?"

"Shiho and I got into street music, funnily enough."

"Oh yeah, there's a story to this one."


Shiho leaned back. "Ichika and I got inot street music separately,  but by coincidence both of us found out the other happened to get into street music too."

"We're in a group with two other people."

"Wow," Saki sighed, excitement apparent, "you all must be having such fun."

"Well, what about you, Saki?"

She paused. "You guys remember Phoenix Wonderland?"

"That place we always went to as kids? Yeah, why?"

"I may actually have a job there at one of the stages..."

"The stage?" Honami marveled, "That sounds more like something your brother would've done!"

"Funny coincidence, I know! You should come watch us sometimes, you know!"

"Oh, for sure!"

"What's your next show about?"

"Well, you see..."

𝓞𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓤𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓦𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now