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"Remember when we first met you, Kohane?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You've changed a lot since then, haven't you?"

"...I suppose I have."

Kohane walked around, eyes flicking from left to right. She wasn't meant to be here, was she? Oh no. Where on Earth was she? This was still a part of Phoenix Wonderland,  right?!

She stood up straight and sighed. Be strong, Kohane! You're just a little lost, and somehow got here while exploring the theme park.

At least, that's what I'll tell anyone that finds me.

It wasn't a lie! She was lost, but she actually wandered off on her own accord...

She just heard music coming from somewhere more far off than the main part of the theme park. It still sounded vaguely carnival-like, so she just thought...

Oh God. What would her parents say?! What would they think when she got lost by following some random music in a theme park-



Kohane staggered back up, rubbing her elbows as she went. It was a good thing she was wearing long sleeves, otherwise her arms probably would've been scratched...

She focused on the scene in front of her. There was a... stage? A small, kind of unkempt stage, but a stage nonetheless...

Ah. Maybe I'm still somewhere that's part of Phoenix Wonderland? That must be good.

She took some time to listen to the music that was playing.

Oh! I know this song! It goes a little like...

Absent-mindedly, she started to hum along to the tune as she walked to the front of the stage, slowly transitioning into actually singing a little. She continued walking to the stage to get a closer look and to see where the music was coming from, barely even noticing that she was singing along, before-

"Oh! Look, guys, we have a guest!"

Kohane let out a small shriek before clapping her hand to her mouth. "AH-! Oh my God I'm so sorry for going here I must not be allowed I'll be going now-"

"Wait!" The stranger hollered. "No, you can stay! What's your name?"

Kohane looked at them, and took a small glance to the other two people that popped out from behind the curtains. All three of them looked to be around her age. "U-uhm, I'm Kohane Azusawa..."

"Nice to meet you! I'm Mizuki!"

The other two introduced themselves as Saki and Rui, giving her small waves.

"Ah, I assume you three must work at the stage. I guess I should be going then-"

"No, wait-" Mizuki spoke up again. "We heard your singing. You sound really beautiful,  you know."

Kohane averted her eyes. "T-thank you..."

"You must be a fan of Phoenix Wonderland,  right? I've seen you around the theme park often."

"You have?"

"Yeah! Say, how would you like to work with us at the stage?"

"Here?!" Kohane gasped, "but I don't know a thing about music or acting-"

"We could teach you!" Saki suggested.

"It could be fun, you know," Rui said.

Kohane looked at the tiny stage, then back at where the rest of the theme park was.

A chance to work at the place she loves...

"...I guess I could try."

𝓞𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓤𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓦𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now