Chapter 8: Dilly Dallying

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"Dude, this is bad!" Dipsy said.

"I know, I know!" Lala replied.

"If something doesn't happen we're doomed!"

"I know!"

"Will you two calm down?" Brian said. "I'm sure it'll come back."

"You don't know that!" Lala said. "We're running out of time!"

"The episode is probably a rerun anyway!" Brian shouted.

The three friends sat around a small TV, displaying nothing more than static. Dipsy and Lala were shaking in their seats, hoping for their show to come back on. A knock at the door was what finally drove Brian to get up.

"Ugh, finally. Something different." Brian opened the door to find the girls waiting on the other side.

"Hey, Brian. What's going on?" Sky asked.

"Dipsy and Lala are having a breakdown because their show isn't on."

"The show about those weird alien things that run around doing whatever?" Julianna asked.

"Shut up! It's a classic!" Dipsy shouted.

"Ooookay then," said Alyx. "Mr. Cord said he wanted to see us. Something about Sky and the gemstone she got."

"You guys coming?" Brian asked his roommates.

"No! We must see this to the end!" Lala said.

"Suit yourself." Brian and the girls closed the door and walked off to go about their business, leaving Dipsy and Lala to their insanity.

"I don't think we're going to get this back," Lala commented.

"Ugh, we can't afford to miss this episode!"

"Well, what can we do?"

"Let's go to the roof for a better signal!" Dipsy exclaimed.

"I think I could wire something up. Let's do it!"

Dipsy ripped the TV from its stand and Lala ran out the door. The two best friends raced up the stairs and forced their way through the restricted door leading to the roof. The gravel rooftop matched the lifeless look of the antennas and air conditioning units.

"Okay, Lala, work your magic." Dipsy set the small TV down by an antenna and started to look out at the campus below. Lala began to fiddle with the cables and wiring of the television, connecting some to the antenna rooted into the building.

"I should be able to find a better signal from here," Lala said.

"Hurry! I gotta know what happens!" Dipsy paced around the rooftop, nervously wondering how long the repairs would take. It was on his second lap around the rooftop that he found something interesting.

"Dude, check what I found!" Lala looked up to find his friend holding up a piece of a violet gemstone.

"Oh my gosh! A gemstone?!"

"Yeah! But it's broken. The other piece should be around here somewhere," Dipsy said. The two friends dropped their worries about the TV and began to search the rooftop, looking for the other half of the stone.

"I don't see it," Lala said.

"It has to be here somewhere."

"CAW!" a nearby crow squawked. Dipsy and Lala looked to the corner of the rooftop to find a crow sitting in its nest. Resting nicely next to the crow was the other half of gemstone, grabbing the boys' attention.

"Grab it!" Dipsy shouted as he and Lala ran towards the nest. The crow flew off, but the boys found themselves in the air when they grabbed the gemstone and slid off the side of the roof.

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