Chapter 4: Class in Session

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"Okay, quiet down class. I'm sure you all had an exciting first day back on campus," a slender young woman said at the front of a classroom. "I'm your homeroom teacher, Ms. Giv."

As the teacher went on and on about school policy and the upcoming classes, all Sky could think about was the encounter that had happened last night. Alyx, who sat at the desk next to her, looked deep in thought as well.

The teacher droned on for another hour before the students were finally freed by the school bell. Sky and Alyx rushed out of the room and to the fountain. Brian arrived shortly after, also looking confuzzled and paranoid.

"See anything suspicious going on?" Brian asked upon arrival.

"Nothing really. No sign of drones or weird things at all," Sky said.

"Where's Lala and Dipsy?" Alyx asked.

"Lala said he was onto something, so he and Dipsy went to Mr. Cord for help." Brian looked out to the fountain, watching the other students walking around as if nothing had happened the night before.

"Julianna should be with Peter right now. It looks like he got the worst of it," Sky commented. "We need to find out what is happening. Like how Alyx summoned a giant panda out of nowhere."

"It has to be something about those rocks," Brian said. "Julianna got one and controlled the water. Alyx found one in the fountain and she summoned a panda. Those rocks are dangerous."

"You're just jealous you don't have one," Alyx added.

"Shut up! Do you even know how to use it?"

"Sure, I do!" Alyx took her stone out of her pocket and gripped it tight. Sky and Brian took a step back in preparation of whatever would appear. To everyone's surprise, nothing happened.

"You sure showed me," Brian commented.

"Guys!" Lala shouted in the distance. "Meet us over at Mr. Cord's room!"

Alyx and company wasted no time in running over to their former teacher's room in search of answers. What they walked into was a small classroom with wooden desks partnered into tables. The walls were a pale white with a couple of bookshelves sitting against them.

Mr. Cord stood behind his desk with Dipsy and Lala, examining a handheld metal detector sitting before them. Brian was the first to burst into the room due to his superior speed over Alyx and Sky.

"Hey, guys! Welcome back!" Mr. Cord greeted.

"Yeah, good to see you, Mr. Cord," Brian said.

"How was summer break?"

"It was alright," Alyx said. "You called us over?"

"We found a way to track the r-o-c-k-s," Dipsy whispered out loud.

"I'm curious, why did you guys need my help in modifying a metal detector into an EMP radar? And what are these rocks that you guys are looking for?" Mr. Cord asked.

"Show him, Alyx," Lala said. Everyone looked to her with uneasy looks on their faces, unsure of what the proper course of action should be.

Alyx processed the possible effects of her actions and reluctantly revealed her stone to the teacher. Mr. Cord gently picked up the stone and looked at it with a curious look in his eyes.

"Very peculiar," the teacher said. "Where did you find it?"

"I found it in the water fountain in front of the library," Alyx answered.

"We want to find more stones like it," Lala said. "Which is why I needed your help making this detector."

"Ah, I see. In that case, let me just put on the finishing touches." Mr. Cord held the stone in front of the radar and fiddled away on the keys.

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