Chapter 1: Not on Schedule

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Cars from all over the state of Florida poured into the boarding school parking lot, looking to drop off the students after summer break. The sun was shining brightly above the horizon, with hardly a cloud in the sky.

Near the drop-off circle was the girls' dormitory. Sitting in dorm room 5A were two sisters, unpacking and waiting. The youngest of the two was busy cleaning her glasses as she waited for a friend to arrive. The older sister was doing her best to hang a poster of a panda on the wall.

"Did Julianna say how long she would take, Alyx?" the youngest sister asked as she put her glasses back on and got up to help hang the poster.

"She said she'd be here before the new student orientation. At least we don't have to go to that anymore," said the older sister.

"Maybe we should just go out and wait for her at the drop off area. I'm tired of just sitting here."

"We can go after we finish hanging my panda poster," Alyx responded.

"Sky! Alyx! I'm home!" said a spirited young girl as she came bursting into the room.

"Julianna!" Sky said, failing to catch her sister as she fell off the bunk bed.

"As soon as I unpack my bags we can go pick up our schedules from the office," Julianna said.

"Please hurry, I heard there will probably be a long line to pick up the schedules," Sky shared.

"I think I saw Brian in line when we were walking here," Alyx shared.

"He must've gotten here before us," Sky pointed out. "Maybe Dipan and Lawton are here, too."

The main office building had as many people around it as the drop-off area at the entrance of the campus.

"I don't wanna wait in this line," Alyx complained. "It's way too long and crowded."

"I guess we can just wait until the line gets shorter," Sky commented. "While we're here we can look for Brian and any of the others."

"Okay, keep an eye out for a really skinny and tan guy. Probably looks lost and confused," Alyx said.

"I'm right here," Brian said, standing right next to the girls.

"Brian!" the girls exclaimed before hugging their annoyed friend.

"Yeah, good to see you girls, too. Why didn't you get your schedules earlier?" Brian asked.

"We were waiting for Julianna," Sky said.

"Hey, I ran over as fast as I could!"

"By the way, Brian, where are Lala and Dipsy?" Alyx asked.

"They're at the new student orientation."

"What? Why? We're all returning students. That doesn't make any sense."

"They're not exactly there for the orientation," Brian shared. The girls looked at Brian with looks of confusion. What followed was the sound of screaming in the distance.

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