"Thanks." I said and left.

*Kelly's Pov*

The next morning, Antonio walked in with three coffees.

"Here you go." He said as he handed one to me.


"Are they awake?"

"No, not yet. Why?"

"Hank called and told me to get them to a crime scene. We have a new body which adds to our case and we need all the help we can get."

Antonio walked into the bedroom, opened the blinds and pulled the cover off the bed before dumping a glass of cold water on both their faces.

"Antonio, what the hell?!" Shouted Jordan.

"Get up! We have another body and we're already late!"

"We're not allowed to be there." Said Jay.

"Yes you are. Hank has called you five times. Five times!"

Jordan and Jay groaned as they got out of bed and chucked on their jeans from last night. I gave them each some aspirin and a fresh glass of water.

"Take that." I said and left the room.

Around ten minutes later, they both stumbled out of the bedroom and out the door. Antonio handed them each a coffee before following them out.

"Thanks Kelly."

*Antonio's Pov*

When we arrived, Jordan quickly got out the car and threw up on the grass. Jay looked over and then threw up on the road.

"Take this and these." I said as I handed them each some gum and sunglasses.

Hank pinched the bridge of his nose before turning to talk to the head of Forensics. We joined Hank and the others to catch up on the case about our DOA.

"Peter Skimmers, 35, single gunshot wound to the head. We've taken a bullet out of the wall to test for fingerprints." Said the woman.

"Thank you. Anything else?" Asked Hank.

"I can run DNA on the vomit-"

"-don't bother, that's from two of my detectives." Hank interrupted as he looked towards the two.

The woman nodded and left but returned a few minutes later with sick bags.

"Don't throw up on my crime scene." Said the woman, handing the bags over before leaving.

"Are you two hungover?" Asked Hank.

"Yes. Sorry Sarge." Said Jordan.

"Worst hangover ever." Said Jay.

"Are you guys still drunk or can you understand what I'm saying?" Asked Hank.

"Loud and clear." Said Jay.

"Okay, so we think that Mark, bionic arm guy is the shooter."

"What?!" Said Jay and Jordan.

"One of the therapist's patients said that they hated Veterans because they got his brother killed. His brother was in your team."


"You know a guy called Adam?"

"He joined when we left. James and Lily performed CPR and had to call his death and then they did a heart transplant with his heart to another soldier." Explained Jordan.

"So Mark didn't get to say goodbye and maybe thinks that they didn't save him because they needed a heart?" Suggested Jay.

"Exactly." Said Hank.

"Where do we find him?" I asked.

"He's got a job in narcotics, which would make sense, meaning he would know all the hidden spots in Chicago that people deal off of or possible inside locations that dealers or gangs may hide." Explained Jordan.

"The abandoned building." Said Kevin.

"Thanks for the information but when we get back to the precinct, I need to speak to you two." Said Hank.

When we returned, Hank stood by his office as he talked across the room to Jordan and Jay.

"You guys need to do two therapy sessions before you can return to work. So you can either do one before work and then one after work or you can do them on two days. If you do them before and after work, you can still work." Said Hank.

"Yay." Said Jordan as she rolled her eyes and sat down at her desk.

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