"You ready? I'm going to get drunk out of my mind." He says with a smile. I love that smile but as soon as what he said hits me I loose interest in the idea of the night. I kinda wanted it to be a romantic evening... a girl can dream.

"Ready as I'll ever be" I smile back at him and he tilts his head slightly getting a bit closer when a woman interrupts us.

"Hey Bentley it's been a while." She says running a hand down his chest looking at me. He tenses up and that is the permission I need. I move the small golden ring to my ring finger and come to his side.

"Ben." I say to her.

"What? What did you say to me?" She raises a perfectly plucked eyebrow at me and tilts her perfectly sized head. 

"It's Ben. Not Bentley." I say standing my ground even though this woman his ridiculously stunning and a little intimidating.

"Who are you?" She questions me again. I didn't know this was a fucking interview. She's getting on my nerves now and still is close to Ben. Uncomfortably close. 

"His fiancé. The future Mrs. Smith." Ben looks at me with those beautiful deep dark grey or blue eyes. They change depending on the light. I run my hand with the ring down his chest and feel him relax into my touch. it's electric. I've known this guy for a 3 weeks but I'm so comfortable around him. 

"And what a beautiful bride you'll be..." she scoffs. This bitch.

"Yeah and I cannot wait to fuck that dress right off of her." Ben says staring into my soul.

"Keep it in your pants hunny." I say trying to hide my laughter watching her roll her eyes and walk off. 

I attempt to do the same when Ben grabs my waist putting both hand around it. I put mine on his shoulders and we stare at each other. Not in a creepy way but one that radiates a content feeling. As if I could actually be his future wife. Slow down Darcy!

He moves his body impossibly closer to me and I decide to end this moment by kissing him to the cheek. Don't get me wrong id love for him to rip this dress off of me, I'd finally be able to take these heels off, but I can't let it happen too quickly. If I've learnt anything it's that men get bored when they get to hit jackpot too quickly. I'll take my time. Ease into it.

He snaps out of whatever trance he was in and we walk to the main room. The lights are overwhelming and the noise is deafening. I'm in my element. I've always loved being in clubs the people are mostly interesting with the obvious exception of a few. I'm a people person. We walk over to the bar and the bartender instantaneously knows what he gets. Ben doesn't utter a word but leaves his shiny credit card behind. 

The bartender passes Ben the drinks and he hands me mine. It's vodka with something else in it. Enough to get you smashed after 3 or 4 drinks. He downs his drink and tells me he'll be back in a moment. He must have to meet someone. I down my drink because I have no self control and tell myself it's the last one. With the new liquid confidence I head to the dance floor and start to dance. I partner up with a few thirsty looking men because Ben still isn't back and start to actually have a good time. As I'm dancing, sneaking in a few provocative moves, a guy around 5'8 comes up behind me and slurs at me aggressively. I don't know what he's saying and it's making me uncomfortable. I push away from him and tell him no. Apparently this guy doesn't get the memo and grinds on me. I tell him no louder repeating it twice. I see Ben rushing down the stairs but this guy is starting to get aggressive. I don't have a black belt for giggles. I push him away from me and punch him in the temple. Not hard enough to kill him but enough so that he becomes unconscious. His short body flops to the floor like a sack of potatoes.

Ben reaches me asking if I'm okay but I take the drink out of his hand and down it. Suddenly just became less of a people person. Ben pulls me closer into him and we dance together. Time flys by and after he downs 4 more drinks and I have another it's around 1:00 am. He kept to his word and is definitely drunk. I on the other hand am definitely tipsy but not too drunk. I wasn't feeling it entirely tonight. 

"Hey it's late do you wanna go home?" I ask him. My feet are killing me.

"Marry me?" He says something that sounded an awful lot like marry me...

"What did you say Ben? I'm not in the mood tonight and kinda wanna get home."

"Marry me!?" He says. My heart dropped. Did he just ask me to marry him? "Listen Dee I might be drunk but you know what they say... sober thoughts are drunk words." It's the other way around but it's the thought that counts.

"Come on I called a cab." I say trying to get him out of the club.

"Divorce is an option at the end of the day and imagine what we could experience together. Marriage." He says trying to convince me. Surely he won't remember this in the morning.

"Fine can we just go home?" I say trying to pull him out. 

We were almost there when he kisses me. Honestly it wasn't the worst drunk kiss I've ever had but that's exactly what it was. A drunken kiss.  

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