Chapter 6

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"Are you sure you want to go back there?" Daniel asked Caden as he was about to exit the apartment, "No" the boy sighed and turn to Daniel, "but I can't just sit around Daniel, I don't have parents like yours who sends you money every week" Daniel got taken aback by Caden's sudden outburst, he only ever heard him done that twice, once was when his mother told him his father never loved him and the other was when she told him to not come here, "I- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you" Caden said as he walked to his best friend and pulled him into a hug, "what does he want from me?" there was a slight quiver in the boys voice and Daniel didn't know what to do, he's never seen him cry before, even when his father died the boy didn't cry, so what was he supposed to do, "I- maybe I should quit" Caden voice and Daniel broke the hug to look at Caden's face, "you should".

Daniel had called his manager and told her he won't be coming back, she was disappointed he wanted to leave since he was a great staff but didn't question any further, "I have something to ask you" Caden said, he was sitting on the couch his foot cress cross, while Daniel laid flat on the carpet with these feet raised on the other couch, "hmm" he said for Caden to go on, "Has Norden told you his last name?" Caden didn't want to come to this assumption, but he had to, he wanted to figure out if they are somehow related, "yeah, why?", Caden sighed and looked beyond the living room to the window that was further back, "his name is Carlton Kipp" Caden said and Daniel immediately shot up from his position, "the man from your interview?" Daniel asked, not wanting to assume, and Caden nod.

"holy fuck!" Daniel exclaimed, "Norden's last name is also Kipp", Caden really didn't want his assumptions to be right, but they were, "I figured" Caden said and now Daniel's full attention was on the boy, "how?", Caden looked down at his friend not wanting to stir drama between the two, he knew how much Daniel liked the other, "I thought it was Carlton when I saw him that day", Silence now enveloped the room and Caden saw Daniel pull out his phone, "what are you doing?" Caden asked, "calling him" Daniel said before pulling his phone to his ear, after a few long rings a muffled voice came from the other end and Daniel put the call on speaker so Caden as well could hear.

Phone call—SCREEN/Conversation

Daniel- Do you know?

Norden- Hey, why do you sound so upset?

Daniel- I asked if you know?

Norden- Know what?

Norden- What's wrong, are you okay?

Daniel- Do you know your brother kissed Caden by force?

Suddenly the line went dead, only the little sounds of the background were there to tell that Norden was still on the line. Caden was looking at his best friend watery eyes as he waited for a reply.

Norden- I- I don't speak with my brother.

Norden- I'm coming over, okay, tell Caden I'm sorry on my brother's behalf.

And they cut the line with a beep. Daniel let out a sigh of relief at that, he was so scared that Norden might have known all along.

A while after Norden arrived and Daniel let him in, at first he didn't invite the man inside because he was unsure if Caden would have been comfortable with it, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have suggested you went there to work" was the first thing the older man said when he entered the apartment, "he didn't do that there, Caden never accept his offer he got a job at the local bookstore" this had Norden speechless, "Caden, my brother is a straight man" Norden said and both boys head snapped to him, "straight men don't kiss other men" Caden said and Norden nod, "I know, that's why I'm telling you, I don't speak to my brother because he doesn accept my liking to other men".

Caden couldn't help the petty laugh escape his lips, 'what a hypocrite, he thought. "I am as shocked as you are, but it was never my intention for something like this to happen, hell how did it even happen?" Norden asked and because Daniel knew Caden wouldn't, he instead explained, "he went to the bookstore and saw Caden and the last time he visit.." Daniel paused for Norden to fill in the blank space, and Norden nod in understanding.

"Just tell your brother to keep his perverted self away from my best friend, please" Daniel asked Norden, they were standing at the door, and Norden looked over the boys face before asking him a question, "can i kiss you?" there was a look of nervousness in the mans eyes and Daniel nod connecting his lips to the taller man, neither of them realized how badly they wanted to kiss each other until their lips connected, and then they pulled back, they were both a graining and panting mess, "I'll pick you up tomorrow after your last class okay, give me a call when you leave" Norden said, taking one last chaste kiss from Daniels lips and walked down the halls of apartment to the stairs.

When Norden got into his car, he was now on a mission, to go to his brother and scream at him for being a hypocrite and a selfish loser, maybe the reason sounds like something a five-year-old would say but Norden has never been so happy and mad so happy that he kissed the boy who spoke to him over the phone late in the morning about his sexuality, about the sinful things he had done with another man, but that boy was there to always tell him he didn't sin, that it was okay, that it isn't just him who is like that, and so mad that his brother, his homophobic idiot brother had forced himself upon another mans lips, and not a very long time ago, told Norden that he was sick to even think about touching another man that way.

Not long after, Norden was pulling up to his brothers penthouse, walking through the doors of the building where he got greeted by the security guard, "Norden" the man give Norden a nod and he returned it with a mental smile making his way over to the elevator, and after a long silent moment to the tenth floor, he was walking into his brothers home, when he instantly regret not calling before coming because of the scene before him.

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