Chapter 4

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"Tell me Caden....." The man seems to always pause for a moment after saying his name, for some odd reason, Caden himself didn't understand this but he didn't question his odd behaviors, "what can you offer to my company?" Caden didn't understand the question much, but he assumed the man meant what kind of work he's looking for. "I know little about your company," Caden said honestly, and the man raised a questioning eye. "oh really? Well, let me educate you a bit, hmm" the man said locking eyes with Caden, there was a dark look in the man's eyes, a very sadistic one to add, it's like he was undressing the boy with his eyes and doing many thing with him in his head, Caden didn't want to judge this so he just nod, "throughout the entire state i have hotels and casinos, but my company is so much more" he licks his lips looking down at Caden's own, "I started this company with just one house that I inherited from my grandparents, and today it stands everywhere as a reminder that this is what they've given me" Caden almost thought the man would get emotional but he didn't, there wasn't even a hint of emotion in his eyes as he spoke, just a dark glaze over his green orbs.

"It really doesn matter, I just need a job, I'm willing to even be the janitor" Caden instantly wanted to take that back, he really didn't want to be that, he hates cleaning, and because he was so blessed, the gods had given him Daniel who always clean up his mess, "you keep surprising me Caden" the man said licking his lips again, it was getting on Caden nerves so he was about to stand up when there was a knock on the door and Nathan stepped inside holding a yellow folder, "here you go Mr. Kipp" the man took the folder from Nathan and dismissed him, there's now an awkward silence when the door closed and Nathan stepped outside, the man was going through his folder, standing in front of the desk, "hmmm, impressive" the man said as the look through the pages, "so you're smarter than i thought" the man said and that somehow offended Caden, "unlike yourself" Caden mumble under his breath thinking the man didn't hear him, but he had never been so wrong in his life.

"You really like using that mouth of your to tease me don't you?" the man said and Caden just looked at him weirdly, he wasn't trying to be rude, all he wanted to do was, get his job go home and read a few books, "since you talk little, I think I know the perfect spot for you" the man said, finally he had Caden's attention, "I've been looking for a recruiter for a while, you don't have the experience, but you do have the knowledge so" the man walked closer to the desk resting a palm on it, "you start Monday, you'll work in here with me, I'll let Nathan give you the rest of information" and with that Caden stood up quickly, grateful that it was finally over, he walked around the desk and stood in front of the 6 ft man, "thank you sir" he said and the man grabbed his shoulders, "don't call me that" his hissed, somehow this had scared Caden, the fearless man, he looked at the man in shock and fear, "call me Carlton" he said and Caden nod.

"It's not normal" Caden told his best friend, they were both sitting in a small café near to the apartment, after Caden had finished the interview he went back home needing to clear his mind, and Daniel suggest they went out for coffee, "what happened?" Daniel asked, Caden only told him about the starting of the interview and how the room was empty, "the contract he gave me to sign said it was three weeks" Caden sigh, everything was confusing about that man Carlton, "that is very weird" Daniel comment, lost him his thoughts as well, "he said, sometimes he gets bored" Caden added, and Daniel immediately snapped out of his thoughts, "get's bored with his recruiter?" Daniel asked not sure if he heard right, and Caden nodded, "I think you shouldn't work there if he's planning on kicking you out in three weeks" Daniel suggest and Caden thought about it, soon they are to start their classes and he didn't want to stress about if he had to look for a new job when he work at Kipp's, "you're right, I should look for something else" Caden said and got up from his seat, "now?" Daniel asked, not wanting his best friend to leave just yet, "no, let's go home" Caden said and Daniel stood as well, taking both of their coffee cups and throwing it into the trash.

Not long after both boys got back to their apartment they were both confused as a young elegant looking man stood in front of their door, from afar Caden almost thought it might had been Carlton but that was stupid, why would he even be there, and besides, this man was a tab bit shorter than Carlton and had a much paler skin complexion, "Hi, can we help you?" Daniel said as they near the man, he was a spitting image of Carton, maybe Caden was seeing thing because he's paranoid about the man but he couldn't deny the similarities, "Hi" was all the man said before Daniels eyes popped out of its socket, "Norden!" Daniel shouted in shock, and Norden smiled, the younger boy gave the stranger a quick hug before looking at him like he was some kind of meal, "wha-what are you doing here?" Daniel asked still shocked, Caden just wanted to go inside, but this was his best friend's moment, "you gave me your address so i thought maybe it's times we met" the man said and suddenly it hit Caden, "wait" he look at his best friend with wide eyes, "you're telling me you did not know what this guy looked like" Caden asked in disbelieve, and Daniel gave him an apologetic and sheepish look, "Hi, you must be the famous Caden this one always talks about" the man chuckled extending his hands for Caden, he shook it and looked at the mans expensive suit, he wondered if everyone in Las Vegas wore suits.

Caden had left the two outside and excused himself inside, and after an hour or two, Daniel came through the door, "wow, he's superb looking" Daniel said and Caden gave him a questioning look, "oh come on Caden are you that naïve!" he shouted at the boy in disbelieve, "I like boys, how could you not have figured that out after all this time?" Daniel took a seat beside the boy on the sofa, "I- I don't judge" Caden said, he was totally shocked, but he would never show it, "I said I'd suck Harry Styles dick when I was 16" Daniel reminded the boy, and Caden patted his back, "impossible", Daniels eyes went rigid at his best friend insult, "hey! Are you saying he won't be into me?" Daniel was clawing for the boys face, "no-no, I'm just saying he got better choices" Caden laughed, a real one, and that shocked Daniel, he had never heard the boy laugh like that before, "why are you looking at me like that?" Caden questioned, "it's just that, you have a beautiful laugh" Daniel smiled and Caden hugged him.

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