Chapter 5

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Monday had come around quickly, and it was both the day the boys started their classes and also the day Caden started working, but he decided not to show, it wasn't worth the effort, so both the boys left for their classes around 9:30 am, the building was huge, and very modern, it was glass and shaped like a spaceship and a dome fell on half, cutting it, "woah" Daniel said and Caden agreed, "yeah", they were walking from the parking lot heading to the entrance, "we'll I have 3 classes, and Norden will pick me up after" Daniel said as the boys continue their walk down the concrete path, "I have one and I'm heading home" Caden said, Daniel nod.

"A-are you dating him?" Caden felt protective over his best friend, and he had some bad feelings about the man, "possibly, he didn't say it was a date, he just said, let me take you out for dinner" Daniel explained, and Caden rolled his eyes, "now look who's the naïve one" Caden said and Daniel glared at him, "i- i just don't want to believe a man like him would want to date a guy like me, you know" this made Caden stop in his tracks and grab his best friends wrist, turning him towards himself, "why would you think that? Any guy would be lucky to date you, so never say something like that about yourself again" Caden said, and this almost gave Daniel a heart attack.

His best friend was talking way more than he use to before, and he wondered if its because he's far away from the woman of his nightmares, "I' sorry" Daniel said and Caden gave him a quick hug before retracting and smirking at him, Daniel raised a questioning eyebrow at the boys mischievous look, "so who's the top?" Caden said and a bright blush flew to Daniels cheeks even though his darker complexion, he yanked his wrist from Caden grip and walked off flipping the boy off, who only let out a low chuckle.

—2 days later—

Caden had seen the sign for wanted workers at the nearby bookstore, and because of his love for books so he went for it, the manager was very kind and welcoming to Caden when he did the interview, today was actually his second day working at the store, it wasn't a big store, but it was still about twice the size of his apartment, his job was quite simple, all he had to do was help customers get whatever books they're looking for, and he also worked the cash register, along with him, they were two others, Mia and Randy, Mia cleaned the place while Randy, was more of a porter boy.

"Lunch?" Randy asked as he walked up to the register where Mia was already beside Caden. "sure" Caden said, and Mia agreed, "what do you want? I'm going to Mc Donald's" Randy asked the other two, "I'll do with a nice Mc sandwich, and a large coke, oh and a large fry, and some Mc nuggets" Mia, said and both of the boy's were looking at with horror in their eyes, "what? I have an appetite" Caden just shook his head, "just a coke and some fires" Randy nod and collect they others cash before heading out, Mia did some cleaning while her lunch was on its way and Caden continue his reading, "Do you have any books that would put kids to sleep" a voice said and Caden looked up to its owner.

He must have been dreaming because stood there in front of the counter was none other than Carlton Kipp himself, Carlton also had a shocked expression on his face, and Caden decided it would be best if he pretended he didn't know the man, he cleared his throat, "yes, right this way' Caden led Carlton towards the kids section of the store and bend down in isle four to find the right book, he could feel Carlton intense gaze on his neck, "why didn't you show?" Carlton finally asked and Caden kept his promise, "show what?" he asked confused, "don't play dumb with me, why didn't you?" Carlton pushed and Caden sighed, pulling out a book that titled, 'Dreams' and stood up, handing the book to the man and walking back to the register.

"That would be $5.75," Caden said, pretending as if it was a regular customer, "sir. if you're not-" but Caden didn't get to finish because Carlton snapped again, "don't fucking call me that!" he shouted at the boy, making him cower back, Caden didn't know why, but somehow he always submitted to fear of the man, however Caden pulled himself together and cleared his throat, "If you don't wanna buy the book, I would suggest you leave" Caden said but Carlton pulled out his wallet and slap down a $100 and walked out of the store.

"He's that pissed huh?" Daniel said, Caden was making dinner while telling him about his interaction with the man, "I just hope i won't have to see him again", Caden hoped, covering the pot of soup to boil, leaning against the counter, "do you think he has kids?" Daniel asked, and Caden raised a questioning eyebrow. "I mean, because he bought a kid's book," Daniel quickly interject, and Caden sighed. "Why does that even matter?" Caden turned off the stove and began dishing himself some of the soup, that he then ate while Daniel talk about his dates with Norden, "he's very sweet Caden, like I just want to marry him" Caden almost chocked on his mouth full of soup, "it's just an expression you idiot, I don't really wanna marry him" Caden gave him a look, "okay maybe not yet", Caden just sighed and washed his dish then retreat to his bed.

—It was another normal day in the store where Caden read his book because there weren't any customers, and finish some of his studies, but now he was just reading a book, it was about reincarnation, Caden isn't much of a fictional reader, but sometimes he loves to get lost in the pages of a good romance novel, "say it" Caden's head snapped up from his book to see none other than Carlton standing on the other side looking at him attentively, "huh?" Caden was confused, "say the word dam it" Carlton looked like he was about to lose some kind of control so Caden re-stepped his memory for anything that he haven't said and Carlton needed to hear but to no avail, "say the fucking word that I told you not to say" Carlton snapped and Caden immediately realized what he was talking about.

Without out thinking he stuttered in a small voice, "s-ss-sir" all Caden heard next was "fuck" coming from Carlton lips before he grabbed the younger boy's shirt and pulled him halfway over the counter, slamming his lips to the other, Caden's mind went frozen and he didn't know what to do as Carlton sucked on his lips, when Caden realize what was happening he struggled out of the older man's grip and they looked into each other's eyes before Carlton stomped out of the store, only the swinging of the glass door a reminder he was there.

When Daniel got home from classes, he walked through the door to find Caden sitting on the couch staring into the blank wall with his fingers on his lips, Daniel walked over to his best friend and took a cautious seat next to him, "Caden are you okay?" silence, "Caden?" he was now shaking the boys shoulder, Caden's head snapped towards Daniel, "he kissed me" he said almost a whisper, "what?" Daniel asked, not sure if he heard right, "he- he- he kissed me" Caden repeat still staring, his lids not blinking and his finger glued to his lips, "who?" It shocked Daniel to hear a 'he' kissed his best friend, "Caden, who kissed you?" Daniel pushed but Caden just repeat the same thing over and over, "he kissed me".

Caden ended up falling to sleep on the couch as Daniel wondered what happened to his best friend, he was confused, he's known Caden almost his entire life and not once has the boy been into another, he thought about how he used to have the hugest crush on him, but realized his best friend was a straight man and he would never want to ruin anything by telling him, that was the reason he never told him straight up that he was gay (pun not intended), he only threw hints to see how the boy would react, and it hardly ever had an outcome.

Caden hardly ever reacts. He was like a rock, until someone push it or kick it, nothing would change. But Daniel had to come clean with him when they arrived because he knew he would live with the boy, and he needed to satisfy his needs, and also because he met Norden, it was funny how they met, Daniel was looking for hook-ups on a gay website and Norden was looking for someone to help him figure out his sexual intentions for men, they were completely anonymous to each other, only thing they knew were their names age and voice, since they called each other all the time, Daniel didn't expect to find out that the hot stud was the man who was crying to him in the middle of the night about the way he fuck another man.

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