Wave Arc I

35 2 3

this is updated on tuesdays and/or fridays, every now and then

-=+=- is a line break


Naruto inhaled, then promptly began hacking out the cloud of dust that had made its way into his lungs.

"Dumbass," Sasuke commented as he fell into a crouch, eyes flicking towards the blonde's direction.

Naruto's eye twitched, and within the second, he was up and pointing at his teammate. "You haven't been able to climb the tree either, bastard!"

"Idiot!" Sakura shouted, slamming her fist on his head and causing him to yelp in response. "Sasuke-kun has still made it higher than you !"

The blonde rubbed his head, pouting. "Not that much higher, Sakura-chan. And besides, it won't stay that way for long!" He pointed in Sasuke's direction, and the raven-haired boy simply gave him a deadpan look. "You hear that, bastard?!"

"Maa, Naruto, standing around yelling isn't going to get you up the tree any faster," Kakashi pointed out, not bothering to raise his gaze from his book.

Naruto's face scrunched up and he directed his gaze towards the silver-haired man. "Well maybe if you helped us instead of standing there reading your perverted book, sensei ."

Kakashi remained silent for several seconds before glancing up at his blonde student. "Hmm? Did you say something?"

Naruto scowled, and an amused Kakashi allowed him to swipe the book from his hand. "What's so great about this, anyway?" he grumbled, beginning to skim through the pages. Slowly, he turned an alarming shade of red before sputtering and throwing the book back at Kakashi, who caught it with a hand before it could hit him in the face. "What the hell, sensei?! That's so...," His face became pinched, and Kakashi's eyes curled upwards.

"It's rather fantastic literature, if I do say so myself."

"Baaah!" Naruto groaned, raking his hands down his face. "Why is everyone in the village a pervert?!" He paused, then turned to look at Sasuke with a horrified expression. "You're not a pervert too, right bastard?!"

The raven-haired boy's cheeks actually dusted pink and he twitched slightly, whereas Sakura looked to be a mixture of embarrassed, offended, and enraged. "Of course he's not, you idiot!" She turned towards her other teammate with a faint blush. "Right, Sasuke-kun?"

Sasuke looked as if he wanted to be anywhere else, but gave a short, jerky shake of his head nonetheless.

"Well you never know, Sakura-chan," Naruto said, still looking vaguely suspicious, "Even Jiji's a pervert, y'know."

"I still can't believe you call the Hokage 'Jiji,'" Sakura muttered before her entire body suddenly twitched in realization. " Wait - the Hokage is a pervert?"

Naruto nodded as if this were common knowledge. "Yeah, yeah! I used my Sexy-no-jutsu on him and—"

"Your what ?"

The blonde stilled, looking suddenly terrified. "Um— I, uh... Well you see—"

Kakashi cleared his throat suddenly, interrupting whatever argument was about to break out between his students. "As entertaining as this all is, we only have a few days until Zabuza shows up, so I suggest you get on with your training."

Sasuke grunted, looking almost grateful for the change in topic, and picked up his kunai from the ground.

Sakura bit her lip, glancing between Naruto - who she was still shooting slightly murderous looks, even after he moved to pick up his own kunai - and Kakashi. Finally, she settled on the latter, fidgeting slightly. "Um... sensei..."

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