Ch 4 Test for the strongest

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The magic academy of telepeada for the first time I entered it. it was beautiful shinning white all over and a huge fountain in the middle with 7 statue all around the pond with a statue of mine the sun god and the statue of the dragon god and Sharabha and 3 other statue of the great hunters in all of the humanity and another statue which was covered with cloth. then a  beautiful girl yell accompany with a guy at from behind me as I was standing at the gates of the academy watching this beautiful building and statue.
can you move out of the gates you are blocking the entrance for many students they are just standing there waiting for you to move out I don't care if you are rich move out of the way and respect other people also.
oh sorry I didn't realise it sorry please go ahead. then the person that was with the girl said sorry to me and he got yelled by the girl to not say sorry to some rich bastard.

That hurted a little but she was different a different aura from her it was like from the moment she was born she was in constant pain. I guess this is 4022 what do I expect. Many people stared to gather towards me then I went into the academy into the orientation ceremony. then principal speech started.

Students you are our furure do your best.
end of speech. it's really short. Another person came to the mic and explained the distribution of classes we will placed in those classes . let me explain for you.

A class - Students with mainly focusing on intelligence.
B class - Students with mainly supporting and healing
C class - Students with mainly focused on combat with weapons or close range.
D class - Students with mainly focused on magic.
E class - Students who were rejected from above classes but are still accepted in academy.

Students were given choices for class picking they will in the class if they pass the test. you can also pick for one or more than one. I choose all classes expect B I was not good at support. then the test began at first the test of class A started the questions were easy and then for B class and then the magic class. I was the first one to match the stadium was full of people I even sensed some strong person. my opponent was Carolina that same girl who yelled at me at the gates.

( Carla POV )
it's that Rich bastard I am sure he is here because he is from some nobel I will put him to his place and earn my respect my divine magic will put him to shame.


as soon as the judge say that word everyone attention turned to us.


Carolina - Here I go divine justice sword

oh from the start but it's weak divine authority.

Carolina - no way my sword it's not listing to me. I was thinking of playing with you but now I will defeat you with this next move. Justice god sword.

Marcus - oh! that man is lending her power that's why her divinity is so pure. I shall respect that. Sun god sword.

everyone was in shock as a rusted sword came breaking the floor.

Carolina - hahahah  your divinity is no match you can just call a rusty sword.

Marcus - I was happy to see my sword still waiting for me I picked up and it changes it appearance quickly to a shiny yellow with orange flame around it. now allow you to honour you with a proper spar even you can draw about 10% of its original power it's still powerful.

Carolina - how do you know well forget about that here I came divine light slash.

Marcus - ha the slash is nothing here I go divine light slash. the light slash quickly decided the match Carolina sword was broken. I reached her and appreciate her swordsmanship. she just leaves.

I made it into finale I have been long waiting to fight him. Clark  from black lotus clan who thinks himself as the sun god because he is very good at sun magic.

finally I can fight you the prince just because you have 5 skill and a special skill I will make sure to defeat you. his majesty

( Carolina POV )
what he has 5 skills and a special skill how can it be even the most rare cases don't have it and on top of it he is a prince he was born with a diamond spoon in his mouth while I worked really hard. and got defeated I will make sure to kill him.


Clark -sun wraith 10% haha how does it fell it's hot isn't it I will not you put your divine barrier and will defeat yo....

Marcus -I am speechless it's really good to harness my power but you forget one thing it's weak. hydro slash.

Clark - ah it hurts to think I will be defeated in one attacked it's really great his majesty I acknowledge you as the rightful emperor.

sometime later the results were out and were summoned in auditorium.

everyone you will know recieve your class best suited for there are four exception who secured perfect score in every class they participated please come to stage when we say your name

Marcus Palistana

you all will be placed on E class as we can't determine your class.
( all of the students in auditorium)
they are lazy.
( mumbling of students )
wait so the prince of kingdom and the  future head of an elite family is going to attend classes with trash people. it's messed up.

Marcus - everyone even though it's E class they are still human we have to treat them equally. just because they did not get into any good clases you can't consider them trash we have to move with other people so I request cooperation from all of you. thank you.

the class selection then ended and when I saw the classroom it was very clean even though they said it was meant for trash people and everything was looking fine there were projecter and computer everything was normal.Then our first class of the day started.


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