Now her whole existence depends on them, she can't breathe without them, she can't smile without having them beside her, she can't.. Ryan and Vyan have become more important for her, even more essential than air..

Time skip...
At 7 : am

Ryan started to stir in his place, he blinked his eyes several times before slowly opening it, but soon he again shut his eyes tight due to the sudden brightness, which is due to the sun peeking through the curtains, lightening up the whole room. It takes him time to adjust to the light. he gets up sitting on the bed massaging his head which is hurting like hell.

Ryan : agggh shit my head..

A sudden pain shot his head, as he completely sat on the bed supporting himself on the headboard. He carefully look to the left side, only to find out that he is in some completely different room..

Ryan : where the heck iam..

He questioned himself, that's when his eyes fall on his shirt which is proudly lying on the floor, his eyes widened in realisation he immediately peak inside the blanket only to find out that he is completely naked Inside the blanket.

Ryan : shit..

He cursed himself, getting panicked..

Ryan : shit... Shit.. shit... Why the fuck iam nude.. don't tell.. fuck shit..

He gripped his hair tightly and started to get more panicked thinking that he did something in his drunken state which he is going to regret his whole life, his eyes filled with guilt and regret. His desperate eyes scan the whole room, but a sense relief rush over his senses, as his eyes fall on the right side, where czarina still kneeling at the same place she was before, looking at him, without making any noise, without letting him aware of her presence..

Ryan : thank God it's you.. i thought.. wait..

He said with a relief expression, but soon his expression changed to confused one, as he observed where she was sitting..

Ryan : baby why are you sitting on the floor..

But he didn't get any answer from her, she just keep staring at him, with her red puffy eyes, which is due to nonstop crying and lack of sleep...

Ryan : hey.. why are you not saying anything..

Her silence is making him more worried, He immediately removed the blanket covering his body before grabbing the towel placed in the night stand as he wrapped that towel around his waist, hurriedly making his way toward her.. her eyes keep follow his each and every action, as he kneels down cupping her cheeks

Ryan : hey.. what happened, what happened to your eyes, are you crying..

He asked again his voice laced with concern and worry, as he keep searching for his answers in her emotionless eyes, he can't help but get worried for her, she is behaving so strange.

She is looking like a mess with her red puffy eyes, Cheeks dried with tears, traces of her tears are clearly visible on her cheeks, which makes ryan more worried..

Ryan : baby.. say something, you are scaring me, did i do something, did i force you for something.. ohh shit..

He mumbled in an audible tone, thinking of the worst possibilities and things he could have done in drunken state..

Loin.. I Love The Way Your HeartBeat Season 1Where stories live. Discover now