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After 1 week
evening 4 pm

It's been 1 week nd czar is coming at the court regularly, nd ryan is more than happy about it, they are not in friendly terms but he is happy tht they are talking, yeah czarina talks to him daily, or should I say scold him daily coz he keep Doing the same mistake, ot should I say he intentionally do the same mistake so tht she could talk to him, he did it to get her attention even if it's for scolding, it doesn't matter what matters is they are at normal terms, not friends but atleast not stranger also

Nd As it is weekend After spending his time with sky nd mike he decided to focus on practising, so he make his way towards the basketball court of there School, nd when he reached there he saw a most Mesmerizing senerio, maybe it's his lucky day tht he saw czar practicing there her long hair tied in a pony, eyes focused on the ball, sweat dripping from her forehead. He jst again lost in her beauty, admiring her nd forgetting the whole world.

Czarina : if you come here to stare rather than practice than you may leave before i poke your eyes out..

She said without even looking back, Ryan come out of his trance, he smiled awkwardly rubbing his nape

Ryan : i . sorry.. i.. jst..

She cut him off nd trun around the ball is still dribbling by her hands..

Czarina : is shuttering is your favourite hobby..

She keeps dribble the ball her focus is on both of them, the basketball in her hands as well as on Ryan who is standing at the court entrance.

Ryan : no no..

He vigorously shook his head defending himself..

Ryan : it's jst I didn't expect you to be here at these time so i was, jst surprised thts all.

He take few steps forward, she again turn around..

Czarina : you came here for practicing right..

She asked still dribbling the ball. Ryan nodded.

Czarina : if you are nodding or anything than let me tell you i don't have eyes on the back of my head...

Then how you knew i nodded, he literally want to say these but for the sake of his peaceful mind he keeps quite.. coz in these 1 week of time interval one thing he learn about her nd tht is she hate it when someone talk back..

Ryan : yeah, i came for practice..

Czarina : than start what are you waiting for..

Will Talking nicely with me will harm you or what he mumbbled nd pick up another ball nd went back to the back, He Start on the right wing in the triple threat, then jab step with his right foot.Step back and pump fake, selling the shot.
Explode out of the triple threat with a hard dribble.

Finish strong at the rim with a right handed layup.
Than he Grab the rebound and sprint out to the wing to do it again. He paused for few minutes taking heavy breath, after calming his breath.

He push the ball up court aggressively, as if he were attacking the middle on a fast break. After dribbling the ball from his left hands to right he tried to goal but again fail.

Ryan : ahhh why iam unable to goal aggghhhh it's frustrating..

Ryan said frustratedly messing his own hair. Before he could say anything a ball come flying by nd directly pass through the rim nd goal.

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