This is what she is afraid of she knows what she feels about the twins, and even if she has some doubt previously, now everything is clear she loves them without any doubt, she loves them too the moon and back, she loves them unconditionally, the night she spent with vyan is not out of lust, it's because she feels the spark she feels the type of connection she feel with vyan she feel the same connection with ryan, its so complicated but at the same it is clear as water, it's not her plan, it's not what she wants, it's not what she intend to do, it's not her intention, now she didn't know how to stop, even if she knows how to she'll prefer to die rather than choosing that way, she can't avoid her feelings anymore, she can't deny it. Everything is clear as water, ryan is not just an obsession for her but also her reason to be alive, nd the same obsession she saw in vyan eyes for herself..

Seeing him with some other girl makes her feel like she herself is torning her heart apart, she didn't feel this much pain ever its like someone is stabbing her again and again and again and she is unable to stop them as tear started to fall from her beautiful eyes down towards her cheeks she knows what going on with her, she knows she is also at fault by kissing her ex, she knows she hurt him by her reckless act, and she deserves these, but these pain is too much too take, she knows ryan must have felt the same when she kissed someone else, he should have hurt the same way she is hurting now.

she knows that Ryan holds the power to make her helpless without her knowing he has become a most important part of her life, a part without which she can't live and she hates it She hates that she falls for someone even if she tries her best
not to, she hates this helplessness she hates this feeling, she hates the fact that her whole existence depends on them, without them her existence means nothing, she is there because of them, and they are there because of her, the three of them are connected with each other with these invisible threads called love..

She hates this Feeling of unable to breathe without that person depending on him in all the way possible she didn't want that, that's why she keeps running and running and running and running because she doesn't want her past to repeat, she didn't want to feel these much weak for someone, but not everything goes the way we want, there's still something we can't control, and love is one of that, no matter how far we run from it, we will unable to get rid of it because it's a feeling which attached to our soul which we can't help but fall for deeper and deeper and deeper. And the more we run the deeper we fall.

Czarina : everything was right before you guys came to the picture, everything was perfect until you and vyan showed up and ruined everything in an un repairable way. You guys are the curse as well as my cure. Which neither can i have nor can i let go.

She mumbled to herself sitting there helplessly staring at Ryan's sleeping figure as her tears kept streaming down her cheeks nonstop, she feels like an complete hopeless loser looking at his neck collarbone shoulder full with hickeys which is not made by her and each hickey displayed on his body is stabbing her like an sharp knife, she didn't know how far that girl went, Just thinking about it she wants to curl in an ball nd cry her heart out..

She don't know what to feel, don't know what to say she just wants everything to turns out to be a nightmare, she just want someone to come and wake her up and say "what happened to you why are you crying, wake up it's just an nightmare" so she sit there waiting for someone to wake her up and say that "it's a nightmare girl" that's why she is waiting there hoping for someone to come and make her come out of her nightmare, make her wake up because it's hurt so much, the reality hurts so much, that she wants it to turn to an dream, it hurts so much that she is unable to differentiate between dream and real life.

Loin.. I Love The Way Your HeartBeat Season 1Where stories live. Discover now