Chapter 33: The First Open Set Visit is Here

Start from the beginning

Yan Qiuchi felt that apart from the unsuitable personalities of the two of them, there was a big difference in their outlook on love. He believed that the best kind of love should be cautious and not just based on hormonal impulse when choosing the person you love most. Be restrained when you love, and don't get carried away by love.

He would not let love go to his head, and his future prospect would be respectful of his wishes.

Shen Jintai had let go of the matter. He was fine and had moved forward.

Because <The East Palace is Coming> was shot and broadcast at the same time, the production cycle was very short, so all departments had to rush. They've only been filming for the past few days and a rough cut of the first trailer had already been released.

The trailers were presented layer by layer, and when they were sent to Yan Qiuchi, they were already accompanied by music and subtitles. Yan Qiuchi watched it again. The first version of the trailer was very simple. The one-minute trailer has more than 40 seconds of character introductions by the production team. In the last ten seconds, a scroll of pictures slowly unfolded, with mottled red walls of the palace passing by in groups. He Lanbi, played by Yang Lizhi, looked back to a melodious sound of the flute.

Yang Lizhi looked back, Bai Qingquan held flowers, and Shen Jintai raised his eyebrows. These were the three highlights of the first edition of the trailer.

Gao Qiao quietly observed President Yan's reaction.

Yan Qiuchi had never been expressive. Gao Qiao had followed him for many years and can tell what his emotions were by judging his subtle expressions.

Yan Qiuchi was obviously very satisfied with this version of the trailer. Not only was Yan Qiuchi satisfied, but the other senior executives felt the same way. Their biggest concern about the series, Shen Jintai, looked particularly harmonious among the handsome men and women of the cast.

The clip of him that cut into the trailer was the first shot he took. At the royal banquet, he secretly raised his eyebrows and looked at the crown prince on the opposite side, while he slowly turned his head away. The corners of his lips held a smile that didn't look like a smile as it was accompanied by moving music. The ending made people feel extremely unsatisfied and left a particularly beautiful aftertaste.

Today was the first open set visit, and Shen Jintai was particularly nervous and excited. Before the media open the set, at 10 in the morning the officials would release a preview of the first trailer.

The drama <The East Palace is Coming> would be a masterpiece of the year. It had always firmly held the spot for "Most anticipated TV series of the Year" on every online vote. High expectations and high investment meant that the material was closely monitored. No leaked photos had been released during the filming period. The crew paid careful attention to leaks that not even the starring actors could watch the first version of the trailer in advance.

The whole word was waiting to celebrate when the official blog post was to be sent out. Everyone was highly anticipating this trailer. Passersby wanted to use the trailer to judge the success of <The East Palace is Coming> while fans from all walks of life wanted to lick their own cooking.

Unfortunately for other actors, moonlight powders, plum powders, and gold powders were the most chicken blooded. The most vocal, of course, was the moonlight powders.

"At ten o'clock in the morning, my brother prosperous beauty will crit* again!"

*I think this is referring to critical hit (like in games). Applied here would be like astound everyone.

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