"A-Atsushi." I stuttered.

"It's nice to finally meet you. I'll be honest, my brother was pretty worried when he helped you to the ambulance that night." She sighed and looked at her brother that was laying in the bed, still sleeping.

We were then surrounded by the man named Dazai as Chuuya and the blonde officer tried pulling him away. He continued talking loud and fast, fighting against the other two as he laughed. Gin shoved in front of me and shoved Dazai away by the chest. Forgetting about me, he turned on Chuuya and started bothering him about his height, causing him to start yelling back in anger.

All the anger and loud voices caused me to start panicking and I looked away as Chuuya began to hit Dazai from behind since the taller male had wrapped him up from behind. The blonde joined in the yelling, trying to get them to shut up and leave, but they weren't listening. The other orange haired male spotted me and tried getting the others to stop but his quiet attempts to stop them were just as futile as the blonde's.

I glanced at the bed and noticed that Akutagawa was reaching for the water bottle next to him without anyone noticing. He spotted my gaze and mouthed, "it'll be okay." He clutched the bottle and chucked it at the brunette, the bottle also hitting Chuuya before hitting the tile ground, gaining everyone's attention.

"Would you idiots shut up and leave!" He exclaimed, trying to keep his voice lower.

All at once, the other group left the room, a series of whines coming from the brunette as the others got him out and closed the door behind him. Now it was just Akutagawa, Gin, and me.

I dropped my head into my hands and tried to calm myself with a few deep breaths. Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, making me jump and tense up. I glanced up and caught the sight of the dark haired male that somehow made it from his bed to the couch beside me.

When I calmed down, he leaned back before offering me a smile, his sister sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked.

I just managed a nod before looking down, catching a glimpse of his bandaged leg just beneath the hospital gown he wore. He followed my gaze.

"It's alright. It didn't hit anything major, it just stung a bit."

I knew he was lying about the part where it stung, but I didn't say anything, knowing that he was trying to keep from setting me off.

"Have you been introduced to my sister?" He asked, changing the subject.

I nodded and glanced at the female on the bed. The door opened amidst the silence and the nurse that was tending to me walked in.

"I figured you'd be here." She sighed. "I was just informed that you are able to leave this evening. Is there anyone you can stay with or someone that can take you home?"

Upon my hesitant response, she opened her mouth to respond but was cut off by Gin. "Yes he does. He will be staying with me. I live alone and will be able to take care of him as needed."

"Ma'am, I'm sorry, but we don't know what your relation with this man is so we can't let him go with you." The nurse said. "I'll have the papers ready up front for whenever you're ready." Then she left.

"Gin, you know you don't live alone right?" Akutagawa asked.

"I know, but I figured that if she thought I was alone then he could go home with us. If he wants to that is." She responded.

They both looked at me and I shrugged. "I don't want to be a bother." I murmured.

"How about this." Akutagawa spoke. "We can get you, a, a hotel room just down the street from our home. We'll buy him a phone, give him our numbers and some food, and have him stay there. That is if he wants to."

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