Her name was Jinx Anders (Chapter 2, Part 1)

Start from the beginning


At least I wouldn't have to spend 45 minutes wondering the halls or sitting in my car, wondering if the rest of the school year would play out the same way. I walked into the detention center and signed in with at the front. The adviser was a thin old woman-who I would guess to be about 68 with grey hair-that sat with her back to the students. I chose a seat in the back of the room and surveyed the rest of the kids.

In the front sat a guy in a foot ball Letterman jacket, he was bulky and tan, obviously one of the popular kids in the school. Behind him sat a blond girl with her nose stuck in a book, she didn't seem like the detention type; probably got sent here for reading ahead of the class.

I smirked to myself and looked to my right. There sat a girl with multicolored hair and several different facial piercings. She had her headphones on and her combat booted, fish net clad legs up on the desk in front of her.

She seemed like the type of person I could have something in common with. When she looked over at me I noticed some type of satanic tattoo on her neck. I quickly looked away, I wasn't into that kind of stuff.

The bell rang signaling the end of second hour. I quickly headed for the door and realized that I had no idea where I was going. I shuffled through my bag and groaned when I found that I had misplaced my schedule and school map.

I turned around when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I was not expecting to find a girl just a few inches shorter than myself wearing a cheer leading uniform with my misplaced papers in hand.

"Hi, you are James Collier right? I'm Alexandria White, I am in your health class. I noticed you left these behind so I figured I'd give them back to you." She flashed me what I am sure was a flirtatious smile and tilted her head slightly.

Alexandria White was a stereotypical high school cheerleader. She had a lean and toned figure, long blonde hair and green eyes. She was hot, but I wasn't impressed.

"Yeah, thanks. I appreciate that Anna." I said as I took the papers from her hand and stuffed them into my bag. I stepped around her and left the room. When I heard her scoff I smiled, she musn't be very used to being blown off like that. In about three second she would turn around and catch up with me, trying yet again to hook me into her little game.

As I had suspected, she appeared in front of me in the hall way, smiling and batting her fake eyelashes at me.

" Um..it's Alexandria. Anyway, you are from out of town right? That is totally cool, I was wondering since you are new you would need somewhere to sit at lunch. My table is open if you'd like to join me and my friends. We sit in H quad behind the science lab."

I was pretending to listen to her high pitched voice when I noticed Jinx walking down the hall toward us. She walked with her eyes on the ground, like she was trying not to be noticed by anyone.

It was then that I truly began to noticed how incredibly beautiful she was. Her hair fell in little rings around her face and shoulders like a golden brown halo, it looked soft and shiny. When she looked up I saw that her milk chocolate colored eyes were surrounded by thick long eyelashes that touched the apples of her cheeks when she blinked. The way her hips swayed when she walked made her look like she was walking down a cat walk. She had no idea how confident her body looked and how opposite her facial expression appeared. Her expression showed agony, like she wanted to be anywhere else but in this hall way. She was looking at Abby, or whatever her name was, the girl who was standing in front of me. I was snapped back to reality when Abby started talking again.

"So, what do you say? Are you in?" She asked in a slightly annoying sugar coated voice.

"Um, H quad, is that the one with the big fountain in it?" I asked, distracted.

"Yeah that's the one." She said happily.

"Uh, yeah, thanks but no thanks. I'll have to pass on that." I replied to her and began walking down the hall way again. Jinx had walked into her classroom so she was no longer in sight.

"But why not?" Abby questioned, keeping up with my pace. I had just met her and I already disliked her a great deal.

I had begun to take larger strides down the hall way, not knowing where I was going and turned when I noticed she was a few yards behind me.

"Because I am allergic to fountains? I'll catch you later Abby!" I said sarcastically, shrugging my shoulders as I ducked into a random class room.

"It's Alexandria!" She yelled into the empty hall way, her voice thick with desperation.

I shook my head and took out my schedule.

Period 3 


I looked up and saw the word "Calculas" written largely across the board and chuckled.

" Maybe today woudn't be such a bad day after all," I thought to myself as I slid into an empty seat in the back of the class.

*TA-Teachers Assistant


And this is the end of Chapter 2 Part 1 !! This is completely unedited so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes, I am way too tired to go through and re-read it. I hope you guys enjoy it other wise! Thank you so much for supporting me and my story. And more importantly thank you for supporting Jinx, she wouldn't be here with out you guys. Don't forget to comment, vote and spread the love! I appreciate you all so very much.

Love and Lost Schedules,



If you guys want to create a cover page thingy for this please feel free to do so. You can email it to me at:


Thank you so much!

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