Chapter 33

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Third Person

"So, should I ask what you think of me or should I stick to the questions I actually care about?"

Melanie jerked away, face uncharacteristically emotive as she looked down at her hand, clearly recognizing the seal.

"You're looking a little pale there, so I guess we'll stick to the important stuff. Were you responsible for my kidnapping?" He spoke louder than he normally dared at these events, drawing some curious stares their way, and their intrigue only seemed to grow as Melanie looked more furious.

"I don't know what you're talking about," She gritted out, looking almost smug. He'd have to be more specific, it seemed.

"Did you hire several Geminian thieves, Dallas I don't know his last name, and Captain James Clemons's crew to kidnap and get rid of me?" It was interesting to watch twinges of frustration, hatred, and the odd sort of helplessness at being unable to keep the words locked away unspoken. And, he questioned the morality of the honesty seal for a moment, of taking that will to remain silent away from someone, but pushed past it. He could debate keeping it semi-legal later on, when it was safer. Would he ever be truly safe?

"Yes," She blurted out, looking almost impossibly angry at letting it slip, and glaring around the room when a few people gasped. Within seconds, almost everyone gathered was watching the exchange.


"Why does anyone do anything?" It was half an answer, enough to guess at the true one, which seemed to allow her to keep quiet. So, while Virgil was tempted to immediately respond with a guess of something like power or security, he paused long enough to think through his retort.

"I'm not sure," He tilted his head to the side slightly, obviously feigning ignorance, "Why do they?"

"They don't really have a choice," A flash of something that could have been vulnerability crossed her face, replaced with a harsh snarl. It almost didn't look right on her.

"Care to elabor-"

"What in the name of the Fallen Nation is going on here?"

Virgil could and had admitted he was scared of many things. As a child, he was scared of his arithmetic teacher, most of the councilmen his father had to meet with regularly, most girls his age, looking stupid, and talking to people. He was happy to say only about two and a half of those fears still affected him. However, this list was compiled long before he met King Henry of Harcshall.

He wouldn't exactly call himself familiar with the man, having never held a conversation with him. And as such he knew very little about King Henry, something that worried him to a degree he knew he couldn't let affect him. It was okay to be cautious, but there was a certain amount of risk he'd have to take no matter what.

"Perhaps I'm not the most experienced in this field, but last I checked there are no international laws against conducting interrogations using honesty seals if there's reasonable cause for suspicion. And it just so happens I've got a few friends who have further pushed my suspicions of your daughter," And your entire family, "Being at least partially responsible for my kidnapping and assassination attempt. So, if you want to intervene, by all means you can try. But you should remember," He glanced around a bit exaggeratedly, "This isn't your kingdom."

It was clear by the way King Henry frowned that he too was overly aware of the guards lining the room, more than enough to apprehend him and stop any protest he might call for, "So what exactly is your plan here?"

"Well we've already gotten a confession to your daughter's involvement in my kidnapping, which is more than enough reason to demand justice," Virgil tries to look nonchalant, he's not quite sure if he succeeds.

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