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A/N: This book was originally inspired by my oneshot "He Protec" and I was given the idea to turn this into an actual book. My mind then started running with it, expanding past the original premise and building up the world. So, I blame you for reminding me of that oneshot and leaving the suggestion to turn this into a book, A6Eugene6Stan6 (I've had to edit this chapter like 7 times because it won't include the tag

Third Person

"For the last time, Logan, I don't need a personal guard,"

This must have been the thousandth time they were having this very argument. It was always the same, with Logan arguing that it was basic protocol for each upcoming royal to have a personal guard, and Prince Virgil sustaining that it wasn't necessary. Ouranious was a safe place, and the castle had guards stationed everywhere, so there was no point in hiring one whose only job was to follow him around. He had also become quite proficient in a number of skills, sword fighting included, having been trained by an old guard of his father's that had forcibly retired after receiving a leg injury that refused to heal. So, there was no reason for someone to be assigned to a job he could handle himself. Besides, most of the potential guards Logan had recommended could hardly handle a sword, it would be a death sentence if they were hired on.

"I am well aware of your beliefs, Prince Virgil, but I implore you to reconsider," Logan pleads, not wanting to risk losing his position as a contender to be Virgil's head advisor because he failed to find a suitable guard. It took a lot of work to get him into such a favorable position and he didn't want that getting rendered pointless all because Virgil was picky with his companions.

"Why? I've been able to wield a sword since I was seven, so why should I allow someone to put their life on the line for me when it's not necessary?" He fires back, too frustrated with this conversation to be polite.

The advisor sighs, "There are already dozens of guards stationed around the castle for practically the same purpose. I don't see why the idea of one specifically ordered to guard you at all times is a problem."

"And I don't see why I need a personal guard when we have dozens of guards in the castle," He responds, throwing the same argument right back into his face, "I know you're just trying to do your job, Logan, but could you not? Everyone you've already hired either barely knew how to manage a sword or were too busy schmoozing to do their job properly."

"Then what do you suggest, Your Highness, because your father will be the one having this conversation with you if you do not find a guard," Logan asks, narrowly fighting back his temper.

Virgil stopped walking, an idea having come to mind. It was stupid, and quite unorthodox, but it might end up doing him some favors. It certainly had been a long time since he last had a proper fight, "Tell you what, you can recommend all the possible guards you'd like. If any of them manage to beat me in a duel, then I'll give them a genuine chance. Deal?" He held his hand out for emphasis.

"Alright," Logan shook his hand, much more relieved than he let on. Now, all he had to do was find someone bearable in a social sense and skilled in combat. That couldn't be too hard, could it?

A/N: As always, I promise actual chapters will be way longer than this, I'm just not great at making long prologues. I am really excited about this book though, so hopefully my good pals writer's block (b!tch) and burnout (asshat) don't make an appearance

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