"Thank you." They both smiled as they skipped away in front of us.

"Thanks, Will." Said Jordan.

"No problem, Lily is out of surgery if you want to see her."

"We'll go when she wakes up. We need to look after them." Said Jordan.

"Jordan, I can take them. Will's on break so he can give me a hand if you want to go and see her." I suggested.

"No it's fine." She smiled as she crouched down to talk to Morgan.

"There's Chocolate and crisps." Said Morgan.

"Is there? I'm well hungry. I'll come with you." Said Will as he followed Morgan and Scout.

Jordan stood up but wouldn't face me and her hair was covering her face.

"Hey, go and talk to Lily. She needs someone their for when she wakes up."

"She has her family."

"They don't know what she's really going through."

"She got shot Jay, not kidnapped."

"Jordan! Go talk to her."

"How am I meant to tell her? You know what it's like to blame yourself for someone else's death because they saved you. Miles saved you and me and he lost his life! I can't tell her that James is possibly going to die after he saved her."

"I understand what you mean but she deserves to know."

"She's going to blame herself and question what could of gone differently. She will think of every possible way it could have gone. One way that would have saved James."

"She may not though. You and I did question ourselves but we got over it when we realised that Miles was a mole and they actually were planning to kill us."

"Yeah well James wasn't a mole! He was a friend!"

"Stop talking about him in the past tense! He still has a chance!"

"You know what it's like to get your hopes up and then be wrong. Don't tell me how to act!"

"Okay. Okay. I'm sorry. You're right but we can still hope."

"Yeah. I'm sorry."

I walked away from Jordan as she debated whether to go and talk to Lily.

*Jordan's Pov*

I walked towards Lily's room and knocked because her boyfriend was sat in the room.

"Hey, Jordan. I'll leave you two for a bit."

"Thanks." I said as he walked past me.

"Hey, Lily. How you feeling?"

"I'm alright. I'm alive and kicking." Lily laughed which made me laugh too.

She came up with the saying when we were playing ball at base and it hit her in the stomach. They were some good times.

"You remember what James said to me when I was led on the floor."

"Yeah. He asked if you were sleeping on the job."

"Oh yeah." Laughed Lily.

"How is James? They were arguing earlier about who to take to surgery."

"Who were?"

"Zoe. Oh my god, Zoe. She's grown up a lot. I can't believe she's a doctor. And then so was Will."

"Oh. Yeah. They're both strong characters when it comes to medicine."

"So, how's James?"

"Um. He's okay. He's out of surgery." I said.

"You're not telling me something. What's wrong?"

"He signed a DNR a little while back."


"There's a very small chance he is going to survive, we were saying goodbye to him earlier."

"He can still survive, don't give up on him so soon."

"I'm not. I'm just saying what the doctors told me."

"I want to see him."

I went and found Will to ask for a wheelchair so Lily could say bye to James.

We all stood outside his room as Lily wheeled herself back out. I was stood in front of Jay as he held me close.

The machine started to beep rapidly and all we could do was watch. Scout and Morgan were clinging onto their mom as they watched their father's hand drop off the bed.

It felt like the whole world went silent as we mourned James in those few minutes. Maria's sister came and took Scout and Morgan back home because Maria had to sign some paperwork.

"Hey, Maggie. We need to speak to James Wilson and Lily Perez." Said Adam as he walked into the hospital with Antonio.

"I'm sorry guys. James just passed but Lily is there if you want to talk to her." Maggie said as she pointed towards us.

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