It's okay 🍋

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Hey this chapter will contain smut so if you don't like that them ship. Also this is my first time so sorry if it's not that good.

Luffy pov.

I wake up to see law sleeping right next to me with his arms around my waist. His face was buried into my hair and one of his legs were in between my legs. 'W what happened. Is this a dream. His breath.. it keeps on hitting the back of my neck. It feels weird. This is driving me crazy.'

"Mh..h Luffy." Law said in a low voice. 'AHHHHHH NOT AGAIN'. I push him away and stated to sit up.

"Law wake up." I say while slightly shaking him. He seems so peaceful asleep. His face is so relax. His mouth was wide open it's asking for me to touch it. I put my thumb and slightly rub it.

"Uh what are you doing?" Law sat up holding onto my hip. He pull me closer to him.

"Oh nothing nothing." I look away embarrassed.

"Are you embarrassed." He whispered into my ear.

"N no STOP. Every time you do that I get a weird feeling." I blushed angrily at him. He knows what he's doing.

"What do you mean? The only weird feeling I think you could get by that is OHHH." Law look at me and smirked

"Aww how cute. Do you like it when I talk whispered in your ear." Law whispered while pulling me in a bear hug me. I blush and look at him flustered. ' What the hell is happening.'  Law smiles and lean in close to me. I feel our lips touch each other. Laws lips was warm and smooth. 'WE ARE KISSING WHATS HAPPPENING.' He pull away and smile at me.

"Luffy  do you like me?"

Third pov.

Law hold luffy close. He was sitting crisscross while holding Luffy hips .Luffy was standing on his knees looking down at him flustered on what happening.

"NO why you ask that?!" Luffy lied with his poker face. He looked away not wanting to see Law.

"You're doing your poker face again. Are you lying to me?" Law pull him closer to whisper into his ear.

"NGRRR STOP. FINE I DO" Luffy shouted  while hitting law in the head. Law chuckled and kissed luffy on the cheek. Luffy blushed slightly and look down.

"What was that for?" Luffy was shocked. The last time he was kissed on the cheek was when he was a little kid.

"Well I like you too and I wanted to show it to you." Law smirked. Luffy nodded. He grabbed onto laws hair and kiss all over his.

"Aw thanks." Law patted his head but when it got over a minute he started to push Luffy off. Luffy looked at him confused.

"You said the was how to show my love why did you push me off? You don't want my love no more?" Luffy looked at law. He looked down at Luffy with a soft smile on his face. Staring at all off luffy. His always messy hair, his big incident eyes, to his soft rubber skin he loves all of it. Law lays Luffy down on his back so he can relax while spreading his legs.

"You know there are different ways how to show your love. For example what I am about to do." Law smirked to himself. His hands ran down Luffys thighs rubbing it slightly. When he got to the rob he flipped it up. The nice surprise he got is to see Luffy's vagina again. Luffy slightly sat up, holding himself but by his elbows. Trying to see what Law has in plan. "Law what are you doing?" Luffy ask surprised on whats happening. Law gave him another smirk which didn't make it better. He went in between his legs to lick Luffy's vagina. Of course not expecting that luffy kicked Law in the shoulder on accident. He started to shutter at every lick law does.

"L ll Law what i is~" With all Luffy might he try to string up a sentence. Luffy wasn't himself because of the new feeling. His mind with getting foggy. His eyes was getting blurry and was losing his breath easily. Luffy gasped every time his tongue touched his vagina. Law looks up at the flustered/pleased Luffy he went to the very bottom of his vagina and started to suck going upward. Law rub Luffy's trembling thighs

(Gonna try a new format hehe sorry )

"Ahh ahhh L laaaw~" Luffy got a handful of his hair in his left hand and with the right he has a hand full of the sheets. When Law shoved his touch inside Luffy's vagina he lost it. Luffy though his head back and grip onto his hair tighter. Law didn't mind because he is getting to see, hear, and touch luffy. He coun't ask for more.

The more Law shoves he touch deeper into Luffy the closer Luffy's get. Luffy started to trouble again. His breath gets shorter and shorter by the second. "Grrrah AHhhh~" Luffy squirted all over law's mouth. Even when Law moves away he is still being squirted on. It started to make his close soil same with the sheets. When Luffy was done cumming he flopped down onto the bed in bliss. "mmm~" Luffy moan at his first orgasm

"M more~"

HEY I hope yall like it I have been busy lately so I wasn't able to write that much but I hope you guys enjoyed reading this. If you didn't want to read this that's on you. In the description it says "might has smut"
In the tag's it says smut and even before I started the chapter I warn y'all with a lemon and me straight up saying it will have smut. If your dumb ass still can't see the signs you can't be mad at me be mad at yourself.

In betweenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora