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Hello to all my lovely readers. Hope ya'll vibing good. Sorry it's not an update but rather an update on life. Since i haven't been updating my ff lately, you all must be getting annoyed because like i gave a big cliffhanger. But situations are just so messy.

I have gotten into medical University and since day one things been so so hectic. On the day i got my books i actually had a second thought about my choice of career😅. But now i am coping up with it. Schedule is hella tight. Thanks to COVID😒 , we are already late for the session and now i have lots to study in little time.

And on the other hand, new hostel Life is not helpful at all. Has to do things on my own. I miss my family 😫😫. And i am unable to pay them a visit.

I couldn't talk to my besties either and the network sucks in this place, specially in my room😤😤.

But but but!!!! I haven't abandoned my book and i will never do that. I just wanted my reader to know that their author is not dead. I am still writing as much as can and that like 5 paragraph at Max in 5 days 😒. Medical is really very difficult!!!

But i will be updating soon. Have faith in me!!!! Please be patient and stay with me🥺.

Hope i could adapt with things as soon as possible.

Love u all!!!!!

HEAVEN IN HELL || jaeyong [Incomplete]Where stories live. Discover now