Chapter - 6 🌹

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He opened his eyes and immediately shuts tight again because of the blinding light. He opened his eyes again squinting , trying to adjust to the surrounding. He yawned and sat up on the bed. And what he saw really startled him.
".....What?" He said as he caught his friends sitting right in front of the bed and staring at him.

"So you sleep walk too? Nice I am impressed." the Japanese male said.

Taeyong just gave him a "wtf" look.

"Tae, where did you go at night? And how did you end up on the other side of the road?" The eldest was really very shocked to see Yuta on his door early in the morning with a sleeping Taeyong in his arm, carried bridal style. When questioned, the Japanese said he found him across the road near the forest completely passed out.

This really worried him.

Was Taeyong sleep walking and went out of the house in the middle of the night? Lot of questions were flooding in his restless mind.

"What are you talking about?" Taeyong was completely oblivion to it. He had no idea what his friends where telling him. His mind still was filled with the weird images from this weird dream he had last night- the silence of some forest and then some red glowing dots, etcetera etcetera.
Still he had got a nice sleep after a very long time.

"OMG!! Did you get hit by a vehicle??!!! Did you lose your memory? OMG! OMG! Tae look at me, who am I?!!!" Ten jumped on the bed beside Taeyong.

"Ten stop being so dramatic!" Taeil scolded.

It took some time for him to register but then it really did hit him like a truck.


Then he realized something and checked his T-shirt.

No blood stain.

He almost sighed in relief. Almost.

"I changed your shirt. It had blood stain on it but there was no scratch on you.......strange." Taeil informed him. Taeyong's eyes went wide like a saucer.

Oh no !
Oh no!
Oh no no no no no!

He hesitantly lifted his T-shirt and saw the shiny jewel on his navel. He gasped and covered his mouth with his free hand.

That was not a dream!!! That was NOT a fucking dream!!!!!

He shoved the blanket aside, pushing Ten in the process who ended up rolling down the other side of the bed. Taeyong dashed to the washroom, leaving others all confused. He hurriedly shut the door and faced the mirror and removed his shirt.

No marks, no bruises from the other night, and no injury.
Was that orb real? Did he really walked into the forest? Was that black shadow real? Did it really...........tasted-

Taeyong shook his head to get rid of the thoughts. This was the first time he encountered something ...........paranormal? Now how is he supposed to tell his friends?

"Hey guys I just woke up in the middle of the night, followed an orb, got licked by a black shadow and passed out!! It was fun!!!"

They will surely think that he has lost his last functioning brain cell for sure. He pulled his hair in frustration. Now the only resort he has........bitch mode on!!

He left the washroom only to get startled by them standing right outside the door.


"No, don't ask. I am fine and thats all." he cut the elder's words. He felt really bad for being rude but he is in no situation to explain any shits to them.

HEAVEN IN HELL || jaeyong [Incomplete]Where stories live. Discover now