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Optimus felt as though he were in a dream. Or a nightmare even.

This was too uncanny. Ellie's real name was Elita? And her last name meant "One".

So many questions ran through his mind.

Was this simply a coincidence?

Was this just luck?

Was it a cruel dream?

Could Ellie be his beloved Elita reincarnated?

Optimus kept eyeing the wristband. Maybe he was starting to lose his senses. After eons of war, injuries to the head, and he did miss his Conjunx Endura very much.

Should he tell someone? Ratchet?

For once in a great while, Optimus was unsure...


The Decepticons needed to get the upper hand on the Autobots. How was the question.

"I say we exert full force towards the efforts to locate their base!" expressed Starscream.

Megatron stood near the front windows of the Nemesis, considering the proposals being made.

"We are already stretched thin on resources!" Knockout snapped, "We look for their base now, but we still need to have our energon storages full and loaded."

The warlord took in all of their words, but his mind wandered elsewhere. He formed his own proposal.

Megatron thought on any weaknesses his foes had. Those could be used.

The humans perhaps? They were easy to catch. But the human would need to be very important to them. Personal.

His mind wandered to the four human children. Which one would most hurt to crush before Optimus' optics?

The loud hyper girl? No, too annoying and squirmy, though she would be easy to catch. The Decepticons would be doing the Autobots a favor by ridding of the pest.

The short boy? No. He would be easier to shoot. Besides, he didn't leave their base much. And too smart.

The tall boy? No, didn't seem likely to catch him.

There was one option left: The other girl.

Megatron had seen her when he and the Autobots had formed a brief alliance, then q second time when she helped Optimus get his memories back shortly after. She looked vaguely familiar. Her eyes resembled that of an old acquaintance. An acquaintance who was disposed of long ago.

Through Megatron and Optimus' talks during battle, he figured out that the girl was Prime's little pet. Just what he needed.

He turned to his loyal subjects.

"Keep your optics out for the human the Autobots call "Ellie", and capture her."

This human would be both an advantage and an opportunity for the Decepticons.

Should Optimus tell someone about his thoughts? What do you think Megatron is planning?

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