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The new year came and went, as did three more months. It was now late March.

Ellie woke up to her alarm blaring in her ears. She switched it off and lay in her bed. She started at the ceiling. Something felt off.

Her stomach hurt. But it wasn't her stomach. Not period-like pain. More like her side. It was a faint pain, nothing to cause her to stay home. She got up and got ready for school.

Ellie walked out of her house, finding Optimus in his usual spot by her mailbox. She walked up and climbed inside his cabin.

"Good morning," she said.

"Hello, Ellie," Optimus greeted, "Are you alright? You seem unwell."

"I'm alright, just tired," Ellie leaned against his window.

"Alright," Optimus drove in the direction of the school.

Ellie didn't speak. She didn't feel like it. She felt icky. She couldn't eat breakfast. No appetite.

"Have a good day at school," Optimus told her as she got out of his cabin, "You will need to carpool with Bulkhead and Miko again."

"Ok, bye Optimus," Ellie patted his hood and walked to where the other charges stood near the stairs leading up to the main entrance.

"ELLS!" Miko yelled, as she tightly hugged her friend. Ellie winced but smiled as Miko squeezed her middle.

"Careful Miko, I think I slept weirdly last night," Ellie gently pulled away from her grasp.

"Whoopsies! Sorry, Ellie!" Miko smiled sheepishly.

"Sheesh, Ellie, are you feeling alright? You look really tired," Jack asked.

"I'm alright, I just had a late night," Ellie shrugged a bit.

A loud bell rang from inside the school.

"We'd better go," Raf looked towards the school doors.

"Yeah," Ellie and the boys started for the doors.

"Yuck! I hate being early to class. G-R-O-S-S!!!" Miko complained as she hopped onto a bench, "I will be out here until the last possible second, thank you very much!"

She pulled out her sketchbook and began a new piece of her artwork. The others kept walking.

"See you in English, Miko," Ellie called over her shoulder.

"Yep," Miko answered, not looking up from her sketching.

As the day went on, Ellie only continued to grow worse. She couldn't focus very well in any of her classes. She promised herself to try to eat at lunch, but when the time came, she felt nauseous at the thought of having to swallow her sandwich, so her promise was broken. Her friends noticed her unusual mood, but every time they asked her if she was alright, she just answered the same thing.

"I'm fine, guys, thanks for asking though," Then she would smile, but the expression wasn't very genuine.

The afternoon dragged on, the pain in Ellie's side grew worse and her head began to spin. She felt exhausted, though she hadn't done any straining activity all day.

Ellie looked up at the clock on the wall. Just ten more minutes. Just ten segments of sixty seconds and she could go to the base and take a nap on the couch.

Ten more...




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