A Three-Headed Dog

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Y/N walked down the hall following his Head of House. He was still furious at his cousin- his blood was still pumping, his heart racing, his palms sweaty.

He had been ready to kill Draco. It terrified him.

All his childhood his demented, sadistic mother had told him he was just like his father. That he would be a warrior for the Dark Lord like his father, moreso that he was destined to be Voldemort's greatest weapon.

What if she was right?

He was pulled from his thoughts as the Head of House he trailed stopped and knocked at a door, she opened it and asked the quivering mess of a man inside:

"Could I borrow Wood for a moment?"

She closed the class door. Y/N chuckled loudly and McGonagall turned puzzled. He should have known she was like everyone else.

"You think that scares me? You think I haven't been beaten before?"

Y/N spoke with coldness as he looked down at his feet. The Professor looked at him stunned for a moment before a saddened glaze passed over her eyes as they subtly glistened.

She opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by an older Gryffindor student exiting the classroom. He glanced warily at Y/N before looking back to McGonagall.

"Professor?" He asked-greeted as she wiped her eyes and cleared her throat.

"Oliver Wood this is Y/N Deimos. Deimos- Wood! Come with me please boys!"

She led a confused fifth year and a somewhat guilty-feeling first year to an empty classroom, closing the door behind them. She smiled, though it seemed forced, as she spoke to Oliver.

"Wood I have found you a seeker!"

Deimos looked at the elderly witch stunned. Quidditch Through The Ages was one of the many books he had purchased and read when he lived in Diagon, before his identity was revealed by the damn Prophet. He was aware of the game, and the rules, but had never seen a match.

"Wha-you're serious Professor?" Wood asked shocked.

McGonagall smiled, more warmly this time, and nodded as she spoke quickly.

"I've never seen anything like it Wood. He chased a rememberall fifty yards before catching it and stopped himself with a roll in a matter of inches. I've never seen anything like it! Charlie Weasley couldn't have done that- and that is saying something!"

Wood's face lit up in excitement as he smiled widely at Y/N. Both their happy faces making Y/N feel extremely uncomfortable.

"He did? He's a bit big for a seeker but his talent may make up for his size!"

McGonagall and Wood excitedly spoke among themselves about possibly finally defeating Slytherin for the Quidditch Cup. It had been many years since Gryffindor had raised the Cup in victory.

Deimos stood silent letting them speak before clearing his throat.

"Do I get a say in this?"

The two looked at him like he had farted at a funeral.

"What-What do you mean Mr. Deimos?" asked the Professor.

"I'm always the centre of attention Professor. I hate it. I imagine playing Quidditch as a first year would make things worse. I'll pass if it's all the same to you!"

McGonagall looked at him sadly. Wood looked like he was about to cry.

"But Mr. Deimos... this would mean so much... to all of Gryffindor House!"

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