Prefect Problems and First Class

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Y/N woke and saw the time was 7:00am. He opened the window to let Swoop fly around for the day before noticing his roommates were all still asleep.

"Not my responsibility" he chuckled as he took a towel and headed to the showers. After a quick wash he went back and got dressed for the day. He went over to Neville's bed and gently tapped his shoulder.

Neville woke up with a half asleep look on his face. "Nearly 7:30 Nev, better get up" Neville looked scared for a moment, then puzzled, then thanked Y/N as he walked out the door.

Y/N walked down the stairs and saw Hermione sitting in the common room reading. She looked up and saw him and instantly pushed her face further into her book.

Y/N sighed. He thought she seemed nice, if a little bossy, when he met her on the train. He should have known she was like everyone else. He walked out the common room and down to breakfast.

There were a few students already in the great hall eating breakfast when he arrived, the soft hum of conversation echoing around the large room. They stopped instantly when he walked in. Y/N was already in a grumpy mood but this turned it absolutely sour.

Just over 12 hours into his Hogwarts education and he was already feared and/or hated by everyone here.

He sat down and poured a bowl of cereal and ate, not focusing on anything but the bowl. He finished and looked up, seeing a 12 foot gap on either side of him and students huddled at both ends. He felt his anger rising but just ignored it the best he could.

It was at that time Percy the pompous prefect was walking around handing out timetables. He got to Y/N, scrunched up his copy and threw it on the floor.

"You're not wanted here Deimos. You should just leave." The other Gryffindors looked in shock and fright, waiting for Y/N's reaction.

He pushed himself up from the table with his hands and walked over to the crumpled piece of paper. He picked it up before standing and looking Percy dead in the eyes.

"You really are a fucking arsehole aren't you Weasel."

The table was shocked. Percy was shocked.

"Wh-What did you say?"

Y/N smirked. "I said you are weak and pathetic. You're a prefect and all you can do is pick on first years. You're a fucking joke."

Y/N then walked off, slamming his shoulder into Percy on the way passed.

"Detention" was Percy's reply. Y/N flipped him off over his shoulder.

"Two detentions"

Y/N grinned and flipped him off with both hands over his shoulders as he continued walking. The last thing he heard was Percy squawking about a week's worth of detentions as he exited the hall.

He got round the corner and unscrunched his timetable. He had Transfiguration first. He was half an hour early when he made it to class, but better being alone than around other people.

He opened the door to see no one in the classroom. He opened his bag and pulled out a book he had bought on raising Rocs and started to read.

Ten minutes later Professor McGonagall entered the classroom and saw Y/N sitting there. She walked up to him.

"Good morning Mr. Deimos"

He looked up from his book with his usual emotionless expression.

"Good morning Professor"

"I'm glad to see you here early and keen, but I've just had a chat with Percy Weasley."

Y/N sighed. He knew what was coming.

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