Friday Fun and Games

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Y/N walked through the grounds of Hogwarts until he reached Hagrid's hut. He knocked to be told come in by the friendly half-giant.

He entered and was almost immediately knocked off his feet by Fang who smothered him in licks.

"Hey Fang I missed you too boy. You're a good boy aren't you".

Hagrid chuckled and called the blood hound off and they sat and had an enjoyable lunch. They talked about Swoop and Roc's in general- Hagrid was most impressed when Swoop shrunk down to fit inside his empty teacup. Hagrid spoke about all the creatures they had in the Forbidden Forest and promised to introduce Y/N to Buckbeak, a hippogriff, the next time he came for a visit.

The time flew and before they knew it it was gone 1 o'clock and there was a knock at the door.

"That's right I invited some other guests to join us" Hagrid smiled.

Y/N immediately felt uncomfortable. Before he knew it Hagrid had opened the door and let the three Gryffindors in.

They stopped in shock seeing Deimos sitting there, he was as uncomfortable with their presence as they were with his. Ron glared at Y/N. Hermione looked anxious. Harry smiled.

"What's he doing here?" Ron asked rudely.

"Leaving" Y/N snapped back.

"No wait Y/N. I've been having a chat with Professor McGonagall. She told me you were havin a hell of a hard time and you were having trouble making friends 'Ermione. I thought the five of us could have a nice cup of tea and get to know each other". Hagrid smiled.

"Forget it Hagrid. He's a monster I'm not staying near him. Come on Harry." Ron snarled.

"No!" Y/N spoke sternly. "I'm going anyway. Swoops gonna give me a ride aren't you boy!"

The bird squawked before looking at Ron with a decidedly murderous look causing him to gulp.

Y/N walked towards the door as the three students moved out the way, he only
stopped when he got to Hermione.

"If you're looking to make friends Hermione I'd advise making a choice better than this redheaded idiot".

With that he walked out the door and chuckled hearing Ron yell out "you're the idiot".

"Swoop. Go big"

The bird flew off his shoulder and up in the air, metamorphosing into its natural full size. It was massive- it had six foot talons on each claw and a fifty foot wingspan. It squawked deafeningly loudly and bowed its head allowing Y/N to climb on it's neck.

Hagrid charged out of his hut hearing the loud squawk followed by Hermione and Harry. All three looked at the bird stunned by its majestic size.

"You're not really gonna ride that are you        Y/N?" Hermione asked obviously intimidated by the gigantic bird

Y/N smirked and yelled "YAR!" The enormous bird took to the skies with Y/N on its neck, flying over the Forbidden Forest and towards the Black Lake.

Hagrid turned to Ron. He was furious. Ron was rightly terrified. "What is wrong with yeh Ron? What has that boy ever done to you?"

"His parents were...."

"What has that got to do with anything? That boy is nothing like his parents. You would know if you weren't so prejudiced. There ain't no difference between you and them Slytherin lads from what I can tell!"

Ron was quiet the rest of their time there.

Y/N rode Swoop carefree for about half an hour. When he was hundreds of feet in the air, wind blowing passed him, Swoop rising and falling, he was happy. He could let everything else go- all his worries, all his pain, all the hatred aimed at him- none of it mattered. He felt at peace.

After landing and thanking his loyal pet he went to the library. He was in there for an hour or so before deciding to go and look for his two friends. As he left and walked down the hall he heard voices. One of them was crying. The other had bad intentions.

He recognised the crier as Hermione.

He quickly walked round the corner to see Hermione being held against a wall by her collar- an older Slytherin boy leaning down to her.

"We're gonna show you why you mudbloods don't deserve to be here!"

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?" Y/N screamed in fury.

The Slytherins turned quickly but smiled when they saw who it was.

"Deimos. We were just about to put this mudblood in her place. Want to join in the fun?" The leader smirked as he talked.

A sadistic grin crossed Y/N's face.

"Sure back up and let me go first!"

The three older boys stood back as Hermione stood there terrified. Y/N walked up to her. Placing himself between her and the students he gently grabbed her arms. She looked down in confusion as he edged her off the wall and directly in front of him. She looked up to see him smile.... and wink?

Before she knew what happened he had turned and pulled his wand. He hit the two henchmen with full body bind curses in an instant and the shocked leader fell to the floor, screaming in agony as two sickening cracks could be heard coming from his ankles. Y/N walked up and stood next to him- the bully was now looking up in fear.

"You go near her, you talk to her, you even look at her again and you'll lose more than your sense of smell!"

"Wha-" the bully started to ask but was cut off by Y/N's foot smashing down on his face. His nose was shattered, bleeding heavily and he was unconscious.

Y/N turned to Hermione.

"You ok?"

The girl nodded.

"Come on I'll take you to the infirmary".

She gladly accepted and hugged onto his arm as he walked her to the nurses office without speaking. He opened the door for her when they arrived. She entered and spoke.

"Thank you so much for rescuing me Y/N. I-"

She stopped as she turned around. He was gone.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed that and it was worth the wait. Let me know in the comments what fallout you think there will be for Y/N's actions. I'm gonna try to put a few more chapters up over the next few days before continuing For You I Will.

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