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As they entered November the weather turned very cold. The mountains around the school became icy grey and the lake chilled steel. It seemed Y/N and the girls really had enjoyed the last nice day of the year.

Quidditch season was about to begin- on Saturday Y/N would take part in the first game of the season, which was ironically the first of Y/N's Quidditch career.

Wood had wanted to keep Y/N's involvement a secret, but Hogwarts being Hogwarts, the secret got out quickly.

Many Slytherins made snide comments to each other about the likelihood of Y/N falling to his death- none though had the courage to say it to his face.


The morning of the Quidditch match was bright and cold. The Great Hall was full of the delicious smell of fried sausages and the cheerful chatter of everyone looking forward to a good Quidditch match.

Hermione looked at her bowl of oatmeal, Pansy's bowl of Weetabix, and then at the plate of bacon, eggs, fried sausage and mushrooms Y/N had.

"How is it you're so hungry?" Hermione asked with a giggle.

Y/N gave a slight smile, wiped his mouth and put down his cutlery.

"Hermione have a look at everyone in the hall. Everyone. Really look."

Hermione did, examining people chatting with hushed excitement but not really picking up on Y/N's meaning. She looked back at him puzzled before he smirked again:

"Look at their plates"

Hermione did and instantly noticed a pattern- without fail almost every boy had a large plate/bowl of food in front of him. The reverse was true for the witches.

"Wizards are pigs?" Pansy asked with a chuckle.

"Magical power is inherited, from parents right. Why is it there are Muggleborns?" Y/N asked straight faced.

"Magic?" Ron asked from between Harry and Neville, who was across from Y/N and the two girls. Y/N gave Ron a look and continued:

"Hermione you are a Muggleborn because there is a squib in your ancestry. In Tim Denham's 1987 book The Physiology of Magic, he concluded that the magical gene lies on the X chromosome. As girls have two X chromosomes, their magical metabolism doesn't have to work as hard, a wizard's meanwhile does. That's why I can eat so much and not put on fat, my body is working twice as hard as yours to power my magic because I have an X and Y, so only half the uh- fire power I guess." Y/N concluded with a smile.

"When did you read that?" Pansy giggled.

"You would be surprised how bored and lonely I was at the Leaky Cauldron before starting here. My uh- Wagnard left me a literal fortune and I had nothing to do but read. You should see my room back at the pub, it's like the entire library crammed into a dorm" Y/N chuckled.

"Sounds dreamy" Hermione smiled with a faraway stare. Pansy giggled and rolled her eyes.

"Why are Crabb and Goyle so fat?" Ron asked loudly causing Harry and Neville to laugh.

"Magical impotence- they eat like a Dumbledore when magically they're the equivalent of Uric the Oddball."

The others laughed, except for Neville, who felt bad about his chubbiness. Y/N knew instantly what it was about, adding:

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