Chapter 44

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A man looked at his wife, son, and daughter as they sit on the floor and lean on the wall.

It has been so long since they have seen the outside world, seen freedom, and seen their youngest member.

He hasn't seen his son in 5 years. Always wondering if his son has escaped and if he is safe.

The family hears something at the door, believing it to be the foot. The man stands up and stands in front of his family.

The door opens and they see someone entering the place.

They couldn't believe it.


Ezra looks at his father, who is shocked to see him.


The two hug and tears roll down their faces.

The rest of the family quickly got up and joined the hug, tears rolling down in shock and happiness that the youngest is back.

"I missed you all so much," Ezra says.

"We missed you too, son," The dad said.

Nobody let go of each other as tears keep rolling down their faces.

"How did you find us?" The mom asks.

"Well, that's a story to tell you guys" Ezra responds.

The family continues hugging each other and never letting go.

Ezra is finally back with his family

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