Chapter 40

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Miwa, Leonardo, Raphael, Ezra, and Rosela fight against Shredder and the henchmen who came back from dreamland (due to being kicked too hard).

Miwa fighting against Bradford

Leo and Raph fight against Takeshi

Ezra and Rosela go against Shredder.

Shredder has been backing up during the fight, dodging the punches and kicks from Rose and Ezra, which is part of their plan.

"You will never win!" Shredder tells as he punches Ezra.

"That's what you think! Now!" Rose yells out.

Before Shredder could do something, a blast hits him.

He screams as the blast continues.

"Master!" Takeshi yells, he tries to go to him but Ezra threw him back with his power, throwing him to Bradford.

The blast continues and then it stops.

Shredder feels something different and realizes,

"What have you done?!" He angrily asks.

"Taking something that doesn't belong to you" Rose answers and Donnie appears.

"Come on, guys!" He yells, holding the device and everyone quickly runs.

"Stop them!" Shredder yells.

Takeshi, Bradford, and a couple of foot soldiers run after them.

Ezra and Rose do everything they can to hold the enemies back to help the others.

The team manages to get to where the others are and lock the doors.

Yoshi, Shen, April, Casey, and Mikey managed to take the foot and stockman down and tie them up.

"We got your powers, Mikey. Quick, get on the machine" Donnie orders and Mikey does what he says.

The door is being banged on as Rose, April and Casey barracked it.

Ezra helps Donnie add the data of the powers to the machine as Leo and Raph strap Mikey to the machine.

"You ready, baby brother?" Leo ask.

"I'm ready. Let's do this" Mikey answers.

Leo smile at him and Raph rubs Mikey's head.

They both step away and the machine is turned on.

The door is still being banged on.

"You two better hurry it up. The door is about to beak down" Rose tells them.

"It's starting, now!" Donnie yells out and Press the button.

The machine starts working and hits Mikey.

Michelangelo screams in pain as the machine transfers its powers to him.

The family watch and wished the whole thing to end.

The machine turns off and Mikey stops screaming.

Leo, Raph, and Mila run toward Mikey and releases him.

"Mikey? Are you okay?" Miwa ask.

Mikey doesn't answer.

The door suddenly breaks down and the whole team except Mikey gets into a fighting stance.

Shredder walks to the front.

Hamatos vs foot clan

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