Chapter 36

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"Get down"

A Foot soldier pushes a person down to the ground.

People look terrified to see a bunch of masked men holding them hostage and that many of the cops are doing nothing.

Bradford watches all.

It's only the beginning.

Many Foot soldiers are in other places to keep people hostage, so they will obey the Shredder.


Bradford turns to see a guy trying to fight the soldiers to save people but gets overpowered.

"Trying to be a hero, huh," Bradford says and walks to the guy.

"Do your worst" the guy said.

"With pleasure," Bradford tells him.

Before Bradford could do anything, he gets kicked.

"What the?" He questions.

"Didn't know you lost your honor"

Bradford looks up to see four ninjas jumó down.

He recognizes the voice.

"You" he growls and signals the foot to attack.

The foot attacks the 4 ninjas who fight back.

The people watch in fear at the fight.

One of them notices a girl going toward them.

"Come on, let's go," She tells the group.

Everyone quickly gets up and runs with the girl.

Bradford sees and notices who the girl is.

"You will not escape!" He tells and some foot soldiers get in front of the girl and the hostages.

"You think you can escape, Rosela," Bradford says.

"Good thing I'm not alone," She said and April and Casey, wearing a mask, knock some foot soldiers down, giving the hostages a chance to escape.

Bradford growls at the fact that the ninjas got in the way.

"It's over, Bradford. You will never win" Rose tells him.

"It will never be over. Just wait" Bradford says.

Smoke appears, making the teens unable to see and start coughing.

Once the smoke is clear, Bradford is gone.

People may be safe for a bit


Shredder must be stopped.

At any cost

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