Chapter 31

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Everyone had finished listening to Ezra's story of what had happened.

"You don't know where your family is at" Miwa ask

"I don't. I spent five years training under Shredder and the only person I go stood by my side is Rose" Ezra answers.

Teddy walks in,

"The girl is waking up" he announces

"We'll be there, Teddy. Thanks" Leo says.

Teddy walks back to the other room.

"Let me out of these chains, please. I have to see if she's okay" Ezra pleads.

The family looks at one another.

On one hand, he can't be trusted much but on the other hand, he was just another victim of the Shredder.

"Leonardo, Raphael, get those chains off him" Yoshi instructed them.

Leo and Raph do so.

"Don't do anything that will make me regret this" Raph threatens Ezra, who nods.

Everyone goes to the room where Rose and Mikey are recovering.

Ezra enters the room to see Rose awake and in restraints.

She turns to look at him.

"Ezra? What's going on?" Rose asked as her friend goes to her.

"We escaped from the Shredder. We're in the Hamato household." Ezra responds.

Shen looks at Rose and notices something familiar about her.

"Have we met before?" Shen asks Rose.

"I don't think so" Rose responds but Shen remembers.

"You were the girl who waited with Michelangelo at school when you were both children. Michelangelo said you were his friend" Shen says.

Rose nods and looks at Mikey.

"Will he be okay?" She asks.

"He'll be okay. Just need to rest" Donnie responds.

"I'm sorry, everyone. I was following the Shredder's orders to survive" Rose apologizes.

"It was not your fault, child," Yoshi says.

"Let me help you all. I know everything about the Shredder and his plans" Rose said.

Nearly all the whole family and friends believe her but what choice do they have.

Tell us the plan

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