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"We're back.... Father." The eldest of the Park siblings said with his head down in shame with the memory of hurt carved in his younger brothers eyes the pain he seen didn't wanna leave his mind. Namjoon felt like shit knowing he wasn't the older brother Jimin needed when things went wrong. He knew Taehyung was right he knew that what he did was wrong but nothing could change the past.

"Great~ now tell me. How'd it go?" Mr. Park asked while looking at both Jin and Namjoon with curiosity and a huge smile on his face. Jin cursed at the older male hating how he had no love or care for his children. It disgusted the married male so much knowing that Mr. Park had plan to show his son how wrong it was to leave the family business just like that.

"I would like to remind you Mr. Park that Jimin is still your son, you shouldn't be spying on his life like this. If he felt then it was for the good! He's doing perfectly fine with the Min's." Shit was all Seokjin could say. Namjoon looked at his husband with disappointment he made the older agree to not hand any information to his father but here he stood telling his father the exact thing not to do.

"Fine with the Min's? Don't they know he's the son of their rivals?" Mr. Park questioned knowing well the Min's would of killed Jimin if they knew who his father was. Nodding his head in a unsure way Jin spoke up again trying to save his own ass. "I believe they have no idea of his background Mr. Park."

Looking at the two Mr. Park waved his hand at the two a sgin for them to leave his office. Hurrying off leaving his husband behind Jin entered his shared room with worry all over his face, walking back an forth Jin was soon interrupted by the room door opening and closing.

"I told you not to say anything." Namjoon said standing by the closed door looking at his husband with no emotions to be found. Jin knew he did wrong but what was eating him up was that he upset his husband. "I know and I'm sorry!! It's just... How could a parent act this curle to their own children?" Jin sadly said now taking a seat on their shared bed. Sighing Namjoon walked towards the bed sitting up against the headboards of the bed.

Opening his arms for Jin to crawl in Namjoon pulling his husband close to his chest giving the older a kiss on the head to clam him down. "Why are you caring for Jimin now?" Jin decided to ask after seeing how Namjoon suddenly wanted to keep his brothers where abouts private from his father. Thinking about it as while Namjoon spoke up on his actions.

"I felt bad for how I treated him when we grew up together and seeing him the happiest at the Min's made me rethink all the bad I did to him... I seen how Yoongi looked at my brother... I believe that Yoongi is the right person for him... I wanna show him that being different isn't a bad thing now that I seen and heard how he's been treated." Namjoon explained his thoughts to Jin, listening to the younger Jin smiled softly now looking up at Namjoon.

"If that's how you feel and seen the wrong you did then... I wanna help, Jimin is still my brother-in-law who I care about. First we need to show that Jimin and the Min's could trust us... Even if that means we betray your father."

"I'm fine with that. I want to be the older brother Jimin needs and if this means joining and betraying my father then I'll do just that." Namjoon agreed to his husband's idea with the thought of becoming a better person and older brother running in his mind.


"I'm telling you the truth!" The woman in pain yelled with tears running down her face pleading for the male to stop the abuse she was receiving. "Then why would they let you go so suddenly?!" The male asked looking Rui in the eyes for any sgin of lie's. "Th-they kn-know!!" Rui broke down crying from the pain she was feeling. She knew she had betrayed Yoongi and now she'll die with it. Ever since Rui returned to the Park's mansion she was beat up every time she was asked a question and if it wasn't what Mr. Park wanted to hear he'll hit her or you could say she didn't fulfill Mr. Parks wish.

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