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Rushing around in the kitchen Jimin yelled at whoever was in his way, Taehyung had tried many times before to speak with the shorter but with his sassy attitude it was much harder then it looked.

"What's gotten into him?" Jungkook said watching as Jimin moved from one area to the next with worry all over his face. Ever since Hoseok, Jimin and Jaeyoon returned from the little outing Jimin has been acting weird. Yoongi couldn't handle such act so he went to his room.

"His brother and in law are coming for supper." Hoseok said defeated as he couldn't hold back the secret any longer. "Like Park Namjoon!?" Both Jungkook and Taehyung said at the sometime looking at Hoseok who nodded awkwardly. "You do know that his father wants him back right?!" Taehyung angrily said looking Hoseok in the eyes with rage.

"Look... I know I did wrong but I had just found out when we pulled up into the driveway.... Which also explains the almost crash outside the house. Sighing Taehyung waved his hands in the air a sign that he was done with the conversation leaving his boyfriend and idiot of a friend behind. "Great... Now when Taehyung tells this to Yoongi we both get in trouble." Hoseok looked at Jungkook with the same look of worry.


Looking at his finished cooked food Jimin carried the dishes to the dinner table with a satisfied smile. "What's the big occasion for?" A familiar voice called out making Jimin stop in his tracks safely putting the food on the table. "Um~ I can't be nice?" Jimin lied to the older hoping he'll buy it. "Jimin your so bad at lying it makes me sad... Now tell me the truth." Sighing Jimin nodded taking a seat that was beside him before explaining what had happened earlier today.

Sitting beside the younger Yoongi listened feeling angry that Jimin had bumped into his brother when he was not around. "So I invited them for dinner." Jimin finished off his rap and looked up into Yoongi's eyes only to see nothing but a blank face. "Yoongi? Are you mad?" Jimin questioned. "No just upset not mad... When do they arrive?" Yoongi asked getting up from the seat to help Jimin bring in the rest of the food.

"In 10 minutes." Nodding Yoongi took ahold of the smallers hand intertwining them then pulled him to the kitchen. "That gives us enough time." And that both Yoongi and Jimin finished fixing up the dinning table.

A few minutes pass with Jimin double checking if everything was fine but was interrupting by a knock then the door bell ringing throughout the mansion. Hurrying off to answer the door Jimin was welcoming his brother and in law.

"Welcome, please come in Hoseok well be taking you things for you." Jimin kindly said as he waiting by the hallway entrance for the two to get comfortable. "Stop with this act, it's disgusting." Namjoon said rolling his eyes. Jin sighed as he smiled sadly at Jimin who just waved it off with a fake smile.

"Follow me." Walking into the hallway with Jin and Namjoon following behind voices could be heard coming from the dinning area, once in and seen by everyone in the room Jimin was welcomed with a yell of excitement and a small body pressed up against him. "It's only been an hour Jaejae~!" Jimin chuckled totally forgetting that his brother and in law were standing just behind him. "I know but... I hate when your no where to be seen." Jaeyoon said wrapping his arms around Jimin's neck leaving a small kiss on his cheek, from a little ways Yoongi watch with love in his eyes as the two people he cares about most are getting along with one another.

"Jimin? You have a child?" A voice called out startling who looked to see that Jin had a surprised looked and Namjoon with a little bit of surprise showing. "Oh him he's y-" Jimin was cut off by a pair of arms wrapped around his waist and a chin rested on his shoulder, blushing at who it was Jimin hide his face in Jaeyoon's hair.

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